In each follow-up year, 85%-90% maintained viral suppression, 2%-5% experienced viral rebound, and 8%-10% had a gap in VL monitoring. Among those with viral rebound, approximately one-half were suppressed again within 6 months. In the logistic regression models, retention in care was significantly associated with viral suppression, while younger age, black race, high school or equivalent education, non-men who have sex with men, and history of incarceration were significantly associated with viral rebound. In the U = U era, most patients with viral suppression who are retained in care are likely to maintain viral suppression over time. Some patients require additional support for regular VL monitoring. In the U = U era, most patients with viral suppression who are retained in care are likely to maintain viral suppression over time. Some patients require additional support for regular VL monitoring.Loiasis is a filarial disease endemic to areas of Central and West Africa. We present a case of Loa loa microfilaremia in a patient with HTLV-1-related adult T-cell lymphoma. This case may suggest the possible role of cellular immunity in controlling microfilaria burden.Persons with HIV demonstrate increased risk for aging-associated complications and have reduced telomere length (TL) compared with age-matched persons without HIV. Our data show that greater visceral fat is related to reduced TL in HIV, independent of age and smoking. Fat redistribution may be a relevant mediator of TL attrition in HIV. Acute cardiac events (ACEs) are increasingly being recognized as a major complication in pneumococcal community-acquired pneumonia (CAP). Information regarding host- and pathogen-related factors for ACEs, including pneumococcal serotypes and clonal complexes, is scarce. A retrospective study was conducted of a prospective cohort of patients hospitalized for CAP between 1996 and 2019. Logistic regression and funnel plot analyses were performed to determine host- and pathogen-related factors for ACEs. Of 1739 episodes of pneumococcal CAP, 1 or more ACEs occurred in 304 (17.5%) patients, the most frequent being arrhythmia (n = 207), heart failure (n = 135), and myocardial infarction (n = 23). The majority of ACEs (73.4%) occurred within 48 hours of admission. Factors independently associated with ACEs were older age, preexisting heart conditions, pneumococcal bacteremia, septic shock at admission, and high-risk pneumonia. Among 983 pneumococcal isolates, 872 (88.7%) were serotyped and 742 (75.5%) genotypede first 48 hours of admission. These high-risk patients should be the target for preventive intervention strategies. Despite evidence shown of dolutegravir (DTG)-related neurotoxicity, which may be more common when combined with abacavir (ABC), its reversibility has not been explored in a clinical trial. We conducted a randomized, multicenter, open-label, pilot trial to evaluate the reversibility of patient-reported neuropsychiatric symptoms, developed or worsened on DTG/ABC/lamivudine (DTG/ABC/3TC), in virologically suppressed patients switched to cobicistat-boosted-elvitegravir/emtricitabine/tenofovir-alafenamide (EVG/COBI/FTC/TAF). Participants were randomized to immediate switch (baseline) or to defer switch (week 4), and then all completed 24 weeks of follow up on EVG/COBI/FTC/TAF. At each visit, participants completed Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) and Hospital Anxiety and Depression (HAD) scales and were interviewed about 11 neuropsychiatric symptoms potentially related with DTG through a questionnaire. At baseline and at the end of follow up, they also performed neurocognitive testing. Our primary objecticould resolve or improve after switching to EVG/COBI/FTC/TAF. Sacral pressure ulcers are associated with high morbidity and, in some cases, result in mortality from severe sepsis. Local flaps are frequently used for reconstruction of stage III and IV pressure ulcers. An ideal flap should be simple to design, have a reliable vascular supply and minimal donor site morbidity. Our study evaluates the use of a bilobed flap based on the superficial branch of the superior gluteal artery or the posterior branch of the fourth lumbar artery to reconstruct the sacral pressure ulcer. We performed a retrospective analysis of paraplegic patients with sacral pressure ulcers treated with our bilobed flaps from January 2015 to December 2019. A description of our management, operative protocol, outcome and complications is outlined. Seven paraplegic patients (6 male, 1 female; average age 53.1years) with sacral pressure ulcers were treated with our bilobed flap based on the superficial branch of the superior gluteal artery or the posterior branch of the fourth lumbar artery. The average size of the pressure ulcers was 7 × 5cm (range 6.2 × 4.5cm to 11 × 10cm). All 7 flaps survived. The patients were followed up for 12 months without significant complications, such as flap necrosis or recurrence. The superficial branch of the superior gluteal artery or the posterior branch of the fourth lumbar artery reliably supplies the bilobed flap. The superior cluneal nerve can be included in the design. The technique is simple and reliable. It should be included in the reconstructive algorithm for the management of sacral pressure ulcers. The superficial branch of the superior gluteal artery or the posterior branch of the fourth lumbar artery reliably supplies the bilobed flap. The superior cluneal nerve can be included in the design. The technique is simple and reliable. It should be included in the reconstructive algorithm for the management of sacral pressure ulcers.Bone marrow mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (BM-MSCs) have immunoregulatory capacity; therefore, they have been used in different clinical protocols in which it is necessary to decrease the immune response. This capacity is mainly regulated by TNF-α and IFN-γ, and it has been observed that cell-cell contact, mainly mediated by ICAM-1, is important for MSCs to carry out efficient immunoregulation. Therefore, in the present work, we analyzed the effect of TNF-α alone or in combination with IFN-γ on the expression of ICAM-1. Besides, given the importance of cell contact in the immunoregulatory function of MSCs, we analyzed whether these cells release ICAM-1+ microvesicles (MVs). Our results show for the first time that TNF-α is capable of increasing the early expression of ICAM-1 in human BM-MSCs. Also, we observed that TNF-α and IFN-γ have a synergistic effect on the increase in the expression of ICAM-1. Furthermore, we found that BM-MSCs exposed to an inflammatory environment release MVs enriched in ICAM-1 (MVs-ICAM-1high).