Patients in need of extensive prosthodontic treatment may need restoration of their occlusal vertical dimension (OVD) due to tooth wear, tooth loss, or changes that have occurred to existing prostheses over time. Prosthodontic treatment is based on the clinical application of the available evidence regarding interocclusal distance (IOD), the positional stability of rest vertical dimension (RVD), and the effect of altering the OVD. Hence, the purpose of this consensus document is to examine available data related to IOD, RVD, and alteration of the OVD. The search was limited to Clinical trials, Randomized Controlled Trials, Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses. Key words were healthy patient, mean, range, interocclusal rest distance; healthy patient, mean, range, freeway space; and dentistry, interocclusal gap, and no citations appeared. Dentistry, interocclusal distance, revealed 5 not relevant citations. Dentistry, inter occlusal rest space, and dentistry, interocclusal rest distance, both had the same s commonly used 3.0 mm average dimension. The resting vertical dimension (RVD) is a 3-dimensional range with little evidence related to changes in the RVD during life. However, aging can cause a decrease in muscle tone which could affect the RVD. The restoration of the OVD can be successfully accomplished if proper diagnosis and treatment planning are performed. There is a range of dimensions for the interocclusal distance (IOD) with many normal dental patients functioning with a higher or lower IOD than the commonly used 3.0 mm average dimension. The resting vertical dimension (RVD) is a 3-dimensional range with little evidence related to changes in the RVD during life. However, aging can cause a decrease in muscle tone which could affect the RVD. The restoration of the OVD can be successfully accomplished if proper diagnosis and treatment planning are performed. The objective of this Critically Appraised Topic was t