Sulfur isotope variations in mantle-derived lavas provide important constraints on the evolution of planetary bodies. Here, we report the first in situ measurements of sulfur isotope ratios dissolved in primitive volcanic glasses and olivine-hosted melt inclusions recovered from the Moon by the Apollo 15 and 17 missions. The new data reveal large variations in 34S/32S ratios, which positively correlates with sulfur and titanium contents within and between the distinct compositional groups of volcanic glasses analyzed. Our results uncover several magmatic events that fractionated the primordial sulfur isotope composition of the Moon the segregation of the lunar core and the crystallization of the lunar magma ocean, which led to the formation of the heterogeneous sources of the lunar magmatism, followed by magma degassing during generation, transport, and eruption of the lunar lavas. Whether the Earth's and Moon's interiors share a common 34S/32S ratio remains a matter of debate.The Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg) mass extinction is marked globally by elevated concentrations of iridium, emplaced by a hypervelocity impact event 66 million years ago. Here, we report new data from four independent laboratories that reveal a positive iridium anomaly within the peak-ring sequence of the Chicxulub impact structure, in drill core recovered by IODP-ICDP Expedition 364. The highest concentration of ultrafine meteoritic matter occurs in the post-impact sediments that cover the crater peak ring, just below the lowermost Danian pelagic limestone. Within years to decades after the impact event, this part of the Chicxulub impact basin returned to a relatively low-energy depositional environment, recording in unprecedented detail the recovery of life during the succeeding millennia. The iridium layer provides a key temporal horizon precisely linking Chicxulub to K-Pg boundary sections worldwide.Metabolism-mediated epigenetic changes represent an adapted mechanism for cellular signaling, in which lysine acetylation and methylation have been the historical focus of interest. We recently discovered a β-hydroxybutyrate-mediated epigenetic pathway that couples metabolism to gene expression. However, its regulatory enzymes and substrate proteins remain unknown, hindering its functional study. Here, we report that the acyltransferase p300 can catalyze the enzymatic addition of β-hydroxybutyrate to lysine (Kbhb), while histone deacetylase 1 (HDAC1) and HDAC2 enzymatically remove Kbhb. We demonstrate that p300-dependent histone Kbhb can directly mediate in vitro transcription. Moreover, a comprehensive analysis of Kbhb substrates in mammalian cells has identified 3248 Kbhb sites on 1397 substrate proteins. The dependence of histone Kbhb on p300 argues that enzyme-catalyzed acylation is the major mechanism for nuclear Kbhb. Our study thus reveals key regulatory elements for the Kbhb pathway, laying a foundation for studying its roles in diverse cellular processes.Nanoscale optical writing using far-field super-resolution methods provides an unprecedented approach for high-capacity data storage. However, current nanoscale optical writing methods typically rely on photoinitiation and photoinhibition with high beam intensity, high energy consumption, and short device life span. We demonstrate a simple and broadly applicable method based on resonance energy transfer from lanthanide-doped upconversion nanoparticles to graphene oxide for nanoscale optical writing. The transfer of high-energy quanta from upconversion nanoparticles induces a localized chemical reduction in graphene oxide flakes for optical writing, with a lateral feature size of ~50 nm (1/20th of the wavelength) under an inhibition intensity of 11.25 MW cm-2 Upconversion resonance energy transfer may enable next-generation optical data storage with high capacity and low energy consumption, while offering a powerful tool for energy-efficient nanofabrication of flexible electronic devices.Voluntary movements are believed to undergo preparation before they are executed. Preparatory activity can benefit reaction time and the quality of planned movements, but the neural mechanisms at work during preparation are unclear. For example, there are no overt changes in muscle force during preparation. Here, using an instructed-delay manual task, we demonstrate a decrease in human muscle afferent activity (primary spindles) when preparing to reach targets in directions associated with stretch of the spindle-bearing muscle. This goal-dependent modulation of proprioceptors began early after target onset but was markedly stronger at the latter parts of the preparatory period. Moreover, whole-arm perturbations during reach preparation revealed a modulation of stretch reflex gains (shoulder and upper arm muscles) that reflected the observed changes in spindle activity. We suggest that one function of central preparatory activity is to tune muscle stiffness according to task goals via the independent control of muscle spindle sensors.Mechanical stimuli on cells and mechanotransduction are essential in many biological and pathological processes. Glucocorticoid is an important hormone, roles, and mechanisms of which in cellular mechanotransduction remain unknown. Here, we report that glucocorticoid counteracted cellular mechanoresponses dependently on a novel long noncoding RNA (lncRNA), LINC01569 Further, LINC01569 mediated glucocorticoid effects on mechanotransduction by destabilizing messenger RNA (mRNA) of mechanosensors including early growth response protein 1 (EGR1), Cbp/P300-interacting transactivator 2 (CITED2), and bone morphogenic protein 7 (BMP7) in glucocorticoid receptor-mediated mRNA decay (GMD) manner. Mechanistically, LINC01569 directly bound to the GMD factor Y-box-binding protein 1 (YBX1). Then, the LINC01569-YBX1 complex was guided to the mRNAs of EGR1, CITED2, and BMP7 through specific LINC01569-mRNA interaction, thereby contributing to the successful assembly of GMD complex and triggering GMD. Our results uncovered roles of glucocorticoid in cellular mechanotransduction and novel lncRNA-dependent GMD machinery and provided potential strategy for early intervention in mechanical disorder-associated diseases.