The results showed a decrease in C=O and TBARS levels in obese pregnancies. Although total SOD and catalase concentrations were shown to be increased, both activities were significantly downregulated in obese pregnancies, along with total antioxidant capacity. Inducible nitric oxide sintase levels were increased in the obese group compared to the lean group, accompanied by an increase in nitrotyrosine residues levels and lower levels of nitrosothiol groups in proteins such as ERK1/2. These findings reveal a reduction in oxidative damage, accompanied by a decline in antioxidant response, and an increase via NO-mediated nitrative stress in placental tissue from metabolically healthy pregnancies with obesity. All this plausibly points to a placental adaptation of the affected antioxidant response towards a NO-induced alternative pathway, through changes in the ROS/RNS balance, in order to reduce oxidative damage and preserve placental function in pregnancy.The Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) couples IoT technologies with healthcare services in order to support real-time, remote patient monitoring and treatment. However, the interconnectivity of critical medical devices with other systems in various network layers creates new opportunities for remote adversaries. Since most of the communication protocols have not been specifically designed for the needs of connected medical devices, there is a need to classify the available IoT communication technologies in terms of security. In this paper we classify IoT communication protocols, with respect to their application in IoMT. Then we describe the main characteristics of IoT communication protocols used at the perception, network and application layer of medical devices. We examine the inherent security characteristics and limitations of IoMT-specific communication protocols. Based on realistic attacks we identify available mitigation controls that may be applied to secure IoMT communications, as well as existing research and implementation gaps.The work investigates the application of artificial neural networks and logistic regression for the recognition of activities performed by room occupants. KNX (Konnex) standard-based devices were selected for smart home automation and data collection. The obtained data from these devices (Humidity, CO2, temperature) were used in combination with two wearable gadgets to classify specific activities performed by the room occupant. The obtained classifications can benefit the occupant by monitoring the wellbeing of elderly residents and providing optimal air quality and temperature by utilizing heating, ventilation, andairconditioning control. The obtained results yield accurate classification.Amino acids are indispensable for the growth of cancer cells. This includes essential amino acids, the carbon skeleton of which cannot be synthesized, and conditionally essential amino acids, for which the metabolic demands exceed the capacity to synthesize them. Moreover, amino acids are important signaling molecules regulating metabolic pathways, protein translation, autophagy, defense against reactive oxygen species, and many other functions. Blocking uptake of amino acids into cancer cells is therefore a viable strategy to reduce growth. A number of studies have used genome-wide silencing or knock-out approaches, which cover all known amino acid transporters in a large variety of cancer cell lines. In this review, these studies are interrogated together with other databases to identify vulnerabilities with regard to amino acid transport. Several themes emerge, such as synthetic lethality, reduced redundancy, and selective vulnerability, which can be exploited to stop cancer cell growth.In spite of the potential preclinical advantage of Gd2O3 nanoparticles (designated here as GO NPs) over gadolinium-based compounds in MRI, recent concerns of gadolinium deposits in various tissues undergoing MRI demands a mechanistic investigation. Hence, we chose human to measure umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) that line the vasculature and relevant biomarkers due to GO NPs exposure in parallel with the NPs of ZnO as a positive control of toxicity. GO NPs, as measured by TEM, had an average length of 54.8 ± 29 nm and a diameter of 13.7 ± 6 nm suggesting a fiber-like appearance. With not as pronounced toxicity associated with a 24-h exposure, GO NPs induced a concentration-dependent cytotoxicity (IC50 = 304 ± 17 µg/mL) in HUVECs when exposed for 48 h. GO NPs emerged as significant inducer of lipid peroxidation (LPO), reactive oxygen species (ROS), mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP) and autophagic vesicles in comparison to that caused by ZnO NPs at its IC50 for the same exposure time (48 h). While ZnO NPs clearly appeared to induce apoptosis, GO NPs revealed both apoptotic as well as necrotic potentials in HUVECs. Intriguingly, the exogenous antioxidant NAC (N-acetylcysteine) co-treatment significantly attenuated the oxidative imbalance due to NPs preventing cytotoxicity significantly.Gulf War Illness (GWI) is a multisymptom disorder including widespread chronic pain, fatigue and gastrointestinal problems. The objective of this study was to examine the low glutamate diet as a treatment for GWI. Forty veterans with GWI were recruited from across the US. Outcomes included symptom score, myalgic score, tender point count, dolorimetry and the Chalder Fatigue Scale. Subjects were randomized to the low glutamate diet or a wait-listed control group, with symptom score being compared after one month. Subjects then went onto a double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover challenge with monosodium glutamate (MSG)/placebo to test for return of symptoms. Symptom score was compared between diet intervention and wait-listed controls with an independent t-test and effect size was calculated with Cohen's d. Change scores were analyzed with Wilcoxon Signed Rank tests. Crossover challenge results were analyzed with General Linear Models and cluster analysis. The diet intervention group reported significantly less symptoms (p = 0.0009) than wait-listed controls, with a very large effect size, d = 1.16. Significant improvements in average dolorimetry (p = 0.0006), symptom score, tender point number, myalgic score and the Chalder Fatigue Scale (all p less then 0.0001) were observed after the 1-month diet. Challenge with MSG/placebo resulted in significant variability in individual response. These results suggest that the low glutamate diet can effectively reduce overall symptoms, pain and fatigue in GWI, but differential results upon challenge suggest that other aspects of the diet, or underlying differences within the population, may be driving these changes. Future research is needed to identify potential nutrient effects, biomarkers, and underlying metabolic differences between responders and non-responders.