Since 2000, medical treatment for epilepsy and cardiovascular risk-reduction strategies have advanced significantly in the United States (US). However, seizure-free rates remain unchanged, and people with epilepsy are at higher risk than the general population for heart disease and stroke. The purpose of this study is to determine how cardiovascular, epilepsy-related, and other causes of death are changing in epilepsy in comparison with the US population. Changes in the 15 underlying causes of death in epilepsy (ICD-10 G40-G40.9) and the US population were analyzed and compared from 2000 to 2018. The CDC multiple cause-of-death database was utilized as the primary data source. Changes in the relative proportions for each cause-of-death over were evaluated using logistic regression. The proportions of deaths in epilepsy due to heart disease declined 34.4% (p<.001), a rate similar to the general population (39.9%). Epilepsy-related deaths declined 25% as a percentage of all epilepsy deaths (p<.001).sms and stroke relative to the US population is concerning, warranting vigilance and increased efforts at recognition, prevention, and treatment.Ecdysis-related neuropeptides (ERNs), including eclosion hormone, crustacean cardioactive peptide, myoinhibitory peptide, bursicon alpha, and bursicon beta regulate molting in insects and crustaceans. Recent evidence further revealed that ERNs likely play an ancestral role in invertebrate life cycle transitions, but their tempo-spatial expression patterns have not been investigated outside Arthropoda. Using RNA-seq and in situ hybridization, we show that ERNs are broadly expressed in the developing nervous system of a mollusk, the polyplacophoran Acanthochitona fascicularis. While some ERN-expressing neurons persist from larval to juvenile stages, others are only present during settlement and metamorphosis. These transient neurons belong to the "ampullary system," a polyplacophoran-sp