Correlative scanning probe microscopy of chemical identity, surface potential, and mechanical properties provide insight into the structure-function relationships of nanomaterials. However, simultaneous measurement with comparable and high resolution is a challenge. We seamlessly integrated nanoscale photothermal infrared imaging with Coulomb force detection to form peak force infrared-Kelvin probe force microscopy (PFIR-KPFM), which enables simultaneous nanomapping of infrared absorption, surface potential, and mechanical properties with approximately 10 nm spatial resolution in a single-pass scan. MAPbBr3 perovskite crystals of different degradation pathways were studied in situ. Nanoscale charge accumulations were observed in MAPbBr3 near the boundary to PbBr2 . PFIR-KPFM also revealed correlations between residual charges and secondary conformation in amyloid fibrils. PFIR-KPFM is applicable to other heterogeneous materials at the nanoscale for correlative multimodal characterizations.Tropical forests are a key determinant of the functioning of the Earth system, but remain a major source of uncertainty in carbon cycle models and climate change projections. In this study, we present an updated land model (LM3PPA-TV) to improve the representation of tropical forest structure and dynamics in Earth system models (ESMs). The development and parameterization of LM3PPA-TV drew on extensive datasets on tropical tree traits and long-term field censuses from Barro Colorado Island (BCI), Panama. The model defines a new plant functional type (PFT) based on the characteristics of shade-tolerant, tropical tree species, implements a new growth allocation scheme based on realistic tree allometries, incorporates hydraulic constraints on biomass accumulation, and features a new compartment for tree branches and branch fall dynamics. Simulation experiments reproduced observed diurnal and seasonal patterns in stand-level carbon and water fluxes, as well as mean canopy and understory tree growth rates, tree sirbon storage potential in ESMs.Highly effective photocatalysts for hydrogen-evolution reaction was developed by conferring active copper centers to the linkers of NH 2 -MIL-125(Ti), a metal organic framework (MOF) constructed from TiO x clusters and 2-aminoterephthalic acid (linkers). This design enables effective transfer of electrons from the linkers to the transient Cu 2+ /Cu + centers, leading to 7000-fold and 27-fold increase of carrier density and lifetime of photogenerated charges, respectively, as well as high-rate production of H 2 under visible light irradiation. This work provides a novel design of photocatalyst for hydrogen evolution without using noble metal as cocatalysts.Li and Mn-rich layered oxide (LMR-NMC) is one of the most promising cathode materials for Li-ion batteries with high theoretical energy density. Its practical application is, however, hampered by the capacity and voltage fade after long cycling. Herein, a finite difference method for near-edge structure (FDMNES) code was combined with in-situ X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and transmission electron microscopy/electron energy loss spectroscopy (TEM/EELS) to investigate the evolution of transition metals (TMs) in the fresh and heavily cycled electrode. Theoretical modeling reveals a recurring partially reversible LiMn 2 O 4 -like sub-nanodomain formation/dissolution process during each charge/discharge, which accumulates gradually and accounts for the Mn phase transition. From modeling of spectra and maps of the valence state over large regions of cathodes, it was found that the phase change is size-dependent. After pro-longed cycling, the TMs displayed different levels of inactivity.Background The objective of this study was to validate the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Leukemia (FACT-Leu) in patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) who are not candidates for intensive therapy. Methods A sample of 317 patients with AML who were not eligible for intensive chemotherapy completed the FACT-Leu and EuroQol 5-Dimension (EQ-5D) measures (Utility Index and Visual Analogue Scale) every 28 days until the end of treatment. Internal consistency reliability was estimated with Cronbach's α. Concurrent validity was examined with correlations between FACT-Leu and EQ-5D scales, and known-groups validity was examined by determining whether FACT-Leu scales distinguished between Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) performance status ratings (PSRs) and between maximum adverse event toxicities at the baseline. This study examined responsiveness to change by anchoring change in the FACT-Leu scales to a 0.10 change in the EQ-5D Health Utility Index. Results Cronbach's α usually exceeded the threshold for good (≥0.80) or excellent reliability (≥0.90). Correlations between FACT-Leu and EQ-5D scales were moderate (r > 0.50) or high (r > 0.70). FACT-Leu scales distinguished between ECOG PSR groups with large effect sizes for an ECOG PSR of 0 versus an ECOG PSR of 2 (0.50 ≤ d less then 0.80). In addition, Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-General, Additional Concerns, FACT-Leu Total, and Trial Outcomes Index scales distinguished between patients with grade 3 or lower maximum adverse event toxicities and those with maximum adverse event toxicities higher than grade 3, but effect sizes were small (d less then 0.50). Finally, FACT-Leu scale coefficients for a 0.10 change in the 5-level version of the EQ-5D HUI ranged between -0.01 and 4.30. Conclusions The FACT-Leu is a suitable outcome measure for AML clinical trials among patients not eligible for intensive therapy, and it may have value for clinical monitoring.Background There are currently no evidence summaries on wounds in the horse. Objectives To develop evidence-based guidelines on wound management in the horse. Study design Evidence review using the GRADE framework METHODS Research questions were proposed by a panel of veterinarians, and developed into PICO format. Evidence in the veterinary literature was evaluated using the GRADE evidence-to-decision framework. Searches for human evidence summaries were conducted in the NICE, Cochrane and JBI databases. Final recommendations were based on both veterinary and human evidence. Results and recommendations The research questions were categorised into three areas A. Wound lavage and topical treatments; B. Wound debridement and closure; C. Therapeutics for wound healing. Three hundred and six veterinary publications were identified across thirteen different topics. Fourteen papers were assessed using the GRADE criteria. Twenty-five human evidence summaries were reviewed. The results were developed into recommendations A.