We observe monopole oscillations in a mixture of Bose-Einstein condensates, where the usually dominant mean-field interactions are canceled. In this case, the system is governed by the next-order Lee-Huang-Yang (LHY) correction to the ground state energy, which describes the effect of quantum fluctuations. Experimentally such a LHY fluid is realized by controlling the atom numbers and interaction strengths in a ^39K spin mixture confined in a spherical trap potential. We measure the monopole oscillation frequency as a function of the LHY interaction strength as proposed recently by Jrgensen et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 173403 (2018)PRLTAO0031-900710.1103/PhysRevLett.121.173403] and find excellent agreement with simulations of the complete experiment including the excitation procedure and inelastic losses. This confirms that the system and its collective behavior are initially dominated by LHY interactions. Moreover, the monopole oscillation frequency is found to be stable against variations of the involved scattering lengths in a broad region around the ideal values, confirming the stabilizing effect of the LHY interaction. These results pave the way for using the nonlinearity provided by the LHY term in quantum simulation experiments and for investigations beyond the LHY regime.We prove that the boundaries of all nontrivial (1+1)-dimensional intrinsically fermionic symmetry-protected-topological phases, protected by finite on-site symmetries (unitary or antiunitary), are supersymmetric quantum mechanical systems. This supersymmetry does not require any fine-tuning of the underlying Hamiltonian, arises entirely as a consequence of the boundary 't Hooft anomaly that classifies the phase, and is related to a "Bose-Fermi" degeneracy different in nature from other well known degeneracies such as Kramers doublets.Surface triple junctions (STJs), i.e., the termination lines of grain boundaries at solid surface, are the common line defects in polycrystalline materials. Compared with planar defects such as grain boundaries and surfaces, STJ lines are usually overlooked in a material's strengthening although abundant atoms may reside at STJs in many nanomaterials. In this study, by in situ compression of coarse-grained and nanocrystalline nanoporous gold samples in an electrochemical environment, the effect of STJs on the strength of nanoporous gold was successfully decoupled from grain-boundary and surface effects. We found that the strength of nanoporous gold became sensitive to STJ modification when ligament size was decreased to below ∼100  nm, indicating that STJs started to influence ligament strength at sub-100 nm scale. This STJ effect was associated with the emission of dislocations from STJs during plastic deformation. Our findings strongly suggest that the structure and chemistry at STJs should be considered in understanding the mechanical response of sub-100 nm scale materials.The modulation and engineering of the free-electron wave function bring new ingredients to the electron-matter interaction. We consider the dynamics of a free-electron passing by a two-level system fully quantum mechanically and study the enhancement of interaction from the modulation of the free-electron wave function. In the presence of resonant modulation of the free-electron wave function, we show that the electron energy loss and gain spectrum is greatly enhanced for a coherent initial state of the two-level system. Thus, a modulated electron can function as a probe of the atomic coherence. We further find that distantly separated two-level atoms can be entangled through interacting with the same free electron. Effects of modulation-induced enhancement can also be observed using a dilute beam of modulated electrons.We apply ^125Te nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy to investigate the Dirac semimetal ZrTe_5. With the NMR magnetic field parallel to the b axis, we observe significant quantum magnetic effects. These include an abrupt drop at 150 K in spin-lattice relaxation rate. This corresponds to a gap-opening transition in the Dirac carriers, likely indicating the onset of excitonic pairing. Below 50 K, we see a more negative shift for the Te_z bridging site, indicating the repopulation of Dirac levels with spin polarized carriers at these temperatures. This is the previously reported 3D quantum Hall regime; however, we see no sign of a charge density wave as has been proposed.We demonstrate trapping of a single ^85Rb atom at a distance of about 200 nm from the surface of a whispering-gallery-mode bottle microresonator. The atom is trapped in an optical potential, which is created by retroreflecting a red-detuned focused laser beam from the resonator surface. We counteract the trap-induced light shift of the atomic transition frequency by superposing a second laser beam. This allows us to observe a vacuum Rabi splitting in the excitation spectrum of the coupled atom-resonator system. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/apr-246-prima-1met.html This first demonstration of stable and controlled interaction of a single atom with a whispering-gallery mode in the strong coupling regime opens up the route toward the implementation of quantum protocols and applications that harvest the chiral atom-light coupling present in this class of resonators.We investigate the electron-phonon coupling in CH_3NH_3PbX_3 lead halide perovskites through the observation of Landau levels and high-order excitons at weak magnetic fields, where the cyclotron energy is significantly smaller than the longitudinal optical phonon energy. The reduced masses of the carriers and the exciton binding energies obtained from these data are clearly influenced by polaron formation. We analyze the field-dependent polaronic and excitonic properties, and show that they can be quantitatively reproduced by the Fröhlich large polaron model.Excited-state quantum phase transitions extend the notion of quantum phase transitions beyond the ground state. They are characterized by closing energy gaps amid the spectrum. Identifying order parameters for excited-state quantum phase transitions poses, however, a major challenge. We introduce a topological order parameter that distinguishes excited-state phases in a large class of mean-field models and can be accessed by interferometry in current experiments with spinor Bose-Einstein condensates. Our work opens a way for the experimental characterization of excited-state quantum phases in atomic many-body systems.