This paper sought to investigate the perceptions of final-year nursing students regarding general practice nursing as a new graduate career path. General practice nurses have become increasingly important in providing community-based care, in response to the growing burden of chronic conditions and the ageing population. To sustain this workforce, there is a need to optimise strategies to promote a consistent supply of new graduate nurses. This qualitative descriptive study was undertaken within a sequential explanatory mixed methods project. Data were collected through semi-structured telephone interviews with sixteen final-year nursing students from five Australian universities. Interviews were analysed using thematic analysis. Four main themes were identified, namely; a) general practice is not a priority career path, b) opportunities for skills development and consolidation, c) perceptions of employment conditions, and d) transition support is limited. To meet current workforce needs in areas with increasing demand, nurse educators need to support undergraduate nursing students to explore a wide range of career pathways following graduation. Informed career choices and well-structured educational preparation during undergraduate education may be an effective strategy in building a sustainable future workforce in settings such as general practice. To meet current workforce needs in areas with increasing demand, nurse educators need to support undergraduate nursing students to explore a wide range of career pathways following graduation. Informed career choices and well-structured educational preparation during undergraduate education may be an effective strategy in building a sustainable future workforce in settings such as general practice. In non-intubated COVID-19 patients, subcutaneous emphysema and spontaneous pneumomediastinum (SPM) remain rarely, with incidence rates of 3.0 and 1.2 per 100,000, respectively; nevertheless, the occurrence of these conditions in COVID-19 patients is unclear. Up to date only few cases have been reported. The mechanism of pneumomediastinum in non-intubated COVID-19 patients remains unclear. Here we present a 63-year-old male with subcutaneous emphysema, and spontaneous pneumomediastinum with a 1-day history of chest pain and productive cough, without chills and dyspnea. The patient was diagnosed by nasopharyngeal RT-PCR, Chest CT, and laboratory findings. The patient successfully treated by given double (mask and nasal) oxygen therapy, antibacterial (moxifloxacin tablet 400mg) every 24h for 7days, followed by antiviral (lopinavir tablet 400mg) twice daily for 6days and corticosteroid treatments as well as steroid therapy (methylprednisolone 40mg) daily for 8days. Subcutaneous emphysema treated by supraclavieous pneumomediastinum (SPM). The authors declared that COVID-19 infection leading to subcutaneous emphysema and spontaneous pneumomediastinum in non-intubated COVID-19 patients. Our case revealed that oxygen therapy, bed rest, analgesic, and supraclavicular slit-like incision best option for treat subcutaneous emphysema (SE) and spontaneous pneumomediastinum (SPM). The association of colonic adenocarcinoma with lymphoma is a rare entity. The purpose of our presentation is to draw the attention of the endoscopist, and the surgeon, to the need to remove any suspicious lesions in the exploration for colorectal cancer. The pathologist should be warned about this association in the face of any unusual change in the lymphatic environment around an adenocarcinoma. In the slightest doubt, an immunohistochemistry (IHC) should be performed in order not to ignore this association. A 77-year-old patient, who had adenocarcinoma of the right colic flexure, in whom a chance discovery of lymphoma was made intraoperatively. This combination was treated with chemotherapy targeting adenocarcinoma classified as pT4N1M0, ahead of the low-grade lymphoma malignancy. After two years, the patient presented with a recurrence as left lateral cervical lymphadenopathy and died in a picture of generalized paralysis. Digestive lymphoma associated with adneocarcinoma is defined according to strict criteria according to DAWSON. It always precedes adenocarcinoma because it disrupts the subject's immunocompetence. His diagnosis is suspected when the lymphatic environment around the adenocarcinoma is disturbed. The confirmation is assured with the IHC. Treatment should target the most aggressive cancer. The synchronous colonic occurrence of a MALT-type lymphoma and an adenocarcinoma is rare but possible. The pathologist must be alert to its existence. Treatment depends on the tumor stage of the adenocarcinoma but also on the lymphoma and its grade and any therapeutic decision should only be made in a multidisciplinary meeting. The synchronous colonic occurrence of a MALT-type lymphoma and an adenocarcinoma is rare but possible. The pathologist must be alert to its existence. Treatment depends on the tumor stage of the adenocarcinoma but also on the lymphoma and its grade and any therapeutic decision should only be made in a multidisciplinary meeting. Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) in diabetic patients is a significant cause of Morbility. Long arterial occlusion in patient previously treated can require unusual and complex solution. Herein we report a case of complicated bypass in diabetic patient with history of bypass for bilateral popliteal aneurysm. A 51-year-old male, smoker, with hypertension and diabetes mellitus was referred to our hospital for rest pain in left limb and peripheral cyanosis. Ultrasound doppler (US) showed an occlusion after common femoral artery with patency of Anterior-tibial artery (ATA) two centimeters after the origin. The unavailability of adequate autologous conduit necessitated an alternative solution and was chosen a composite femoro-anterior tibial artery bypass with successive ATA angioplasty to ensure the patency of graft. The autogenous vein is the preferred conduit in below-knee vascular reconstructions but in redo-procedures in the absence of vein, synthetic or biologic vascular prostheses must be considered as graft material.