During mixed-acid fermentation, Escherichia coli transports succinate mainly via transporters of the Dcu family. Here, we analyze the influence of Dcu transporters on hydrogenase (Hyd) and fermentative formate dehydrogenase (FDH-H) activities and how this is affected by external pH and carbon source. Using selected dcu mutations, it was shown that Dcu carriers mainly affect Hyd and FDH-H activities during glycerol but not glucose fermentation at acidic pH. During glycerol fermentation at pH 5.5, inactivation of either one or all Dcu carriers increased total Hyd activity by 60% compared with wild type. Under the same growth conditions, a dcuACBD mutant had a twofold higher FDH-H activity. When glucose was fermented in dcuD single mutant at pH 5.5, the FDH-H activity was also increased twofold compared with wild type. Interestingly, in dcuD or dcuACBD mutants at pH 7.5, Hyd activity was lowered by 20%. Taken together, it can be concluded that during glucose fermentation at pH 7.5, lack of DcuD affects Hyd enzyme activity, but at pH 5.5, it has a stronger effect on FDH-H activity. During glycerol fermentation, lack of Dcu carriers increased Hyd and FDH-H activities as revealed at pH 5.5. The results suggest that impairing Dcu transport function increases intracellular formate levels and thus affects H2 cycling and proton-motive force generation. © 2020 International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is often composed of numerous subclones. Here we test whether the clonal composition of the blood is representative of the bone marrow at leukemia onset. Using ultra-deep IGH sequencing, we detected 28 clones across 16 patients; 5/28 were only in the marrow. In four patients, the most abundant clones differed between sites, including three in which the dominant medullary clones were minimally detectable in the blood. These findings demonstrate that the peripheral blood often u