We found that, overall, SOC stocks increase with eCO2 in grasslands (8 ± 2 per cent) but not in forests (0 ± 2 per cent), even though plant biomass in grasslands increase less (9 ± 3 per cent) than in forests (23 ± 2 per cent). https://www.selleckchem.com/products/imd-0354.html Ecosystem models do not reproduce this trade-off, which implies that projections of SOC may need to be revised.The surface mixed layer of the world ocean regulates global climate by controlling heat and carbon exchange between the atmosphere and the oceanic interior1-3. The mixed layer also shapes marine ecosystems by hosting most of the ocean's primary production4 and providing the conduit for oxygenation of deep oceanic layers. Despite these important climatic and life-supporting roles, possible changes in the mixed layer during an era of global climate change remain uncertain. Here we use oceanographic observations to show that from 1970 to 2018 the density contrast across the base of the mixed layer increased and that the mixed layer itself became deeper. Using a physically based definition of upper-ocean stability that follows different dynamical regimes across the global ocean, we find that the summertime density contrast increased by 8.9 ± 2.7 per cent per decade (10-6-10-5 per second squared per decade, depending on region), more than six times greater than previous estimates. Whereas prior work has suggested ive decades.Anticancer drug development is a costly and protracted activity, and failure at late phases of clinical testing is common. We have previously proposed the Pharmacological Audit Trail (PhAT) intended to improve the efficiency of drug development, with a focus on the use of tumour tissue-based biomarkers. Blood-based 'liquid biopsy' approaches, such as targeted or whole-genome sequencing studies of plasma circulating cell-free tumour DNA (ctDNA) and circulating tumour cells (CTCs), are of increasing relevance to this drug development paradigm. Liquid biopsy assays can provide quantitative and qualitative data on prognostic, predictive, pharmacodynamic and clinical response biomarkers, and can also enable the characterization of disease evolution and resistance mechanisms. In this Perspective, we examine the promise of integrating liquid biopsy analyses into the PhAT, focusing on the current evidence, advances, limitations and challenges. We emphasize the continued importance of analytical validation and clinical qualification of circulating tumour biomarkers through prospective clinical trials.The pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease (PD) remains unclear, and there is no disease-modifying agent for PD. Withaferin A (WA), a naturally occurring compound, has emerged as a neuroprotective agent. However, the mechanisms by which WA is neuroprotective in PD are unknown. Here we show that WA protected against loss of dopaminergic neurons, neuroinflammation, and motor deficits in MPTP-induced PD mouse models. Whole-genome deep sequencing analysis combined with Meta-analysis of human PD studies reveal that DJ1, Nrf2, and STING in substantia nigra pars compacta (SNc) are linked to anti-PD effect of WA. We found that WA activated DJ1 and Nrf2, and suppressed STING within SNc; and overexpression of STING in SNc dampened the effect of WA. Using genetically modified mice (DJ1-KO, Nrf2-KO, STINGgt/gt and STING-KO) and immunolabeling technique, we identified that WA targeted DJ1-Nrf2-STING pathway in dopaminergic neurons; and we demonstrate that STING might be an important factor in PD pathogenesis. In addition, WA alleviated accumulation of phosphorylated α-synuclein (p-α-syn) and insoluble α-syn within SNc in adeno-associated virus (AAV)-mediated human α-syn overexpression PD model. Our comparative analysis on whole-genome transcriptome profiles suggests that STING might be a key target of WA and amantadine in PD treatment. This study highlights a multifaceted role for WA in neuroprotection, and suggests that WA can be a potential candidate for treatment of PD.Maintenance of the pancreatic acinar cell phenotype suppresses tumor formation. Hence, repetitive acute or chronic pancreatitis, stress conditions in which the acinar cells dedifferentiate, predispose for cancer formation in the pancreas. Dedifferentiated acinar cells acquire a large panel of duct cell-specific markers. However, it remains unclear to what extent dedifferentiated acini differ from native duct cells and which genes are uniquely regulating acinar cell dedifferentiation. Moreover, most studies have been performed on mice since the availability of human cells is scarce. Here, we applied a non-genetic lineage tracing method of human pancreatic exocrine acinar and duct cells that allowed cell-type-specific gene expression profiling by RNA sequencing. Subsequent to this discovery analysis, one transcription factor that was unique for dedifferentiated acinar cells was functionally characterized. RNA sequencing analysis showed that human dedifferentiated acinar cells expressed genes in "Pathways of canfferentiation.The brain is known to express many long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs); however, whether and how these lncRNAs function in modulating synaptic stability remains unclear. Here, we report a cerebellum highly expressed lncRNA, Synage, regulating synaptic stability via at least two mechanisms. One is through the function of Synage as a sponge for the microRNA miR-325-3p, to regulate expression of the known cerebellar synapse organizer Cbln1. The other function is to serve as a scaffold for organizing the assembly of the LRP1-HSP90AA1-PSD-95 complex in PF-PC synapses. Although somewhat divergent in its mature mRNA sequence, the locus encoding Synage is positioned adjacent to the Cbln1 loci in mouse, rhesus macaque, and human, and Synage is highly expressed in the cerebella of all three species. Synage deletion causes a full-spectrum cerebellar ablation phenotype that proceeds from cerebellar atrophy, through neuron loss, on to synapse density reduction, synaptic vesicle loss, and finally to a reduction in synaptic activity during cerebellar development; these deficits are accompanied by motor dysfunction in adult mice, which can be rescued by AAV-mediated Synage overexpression from birth. Thus, our study demonstrates roles for the lncRNA Synage in regulating synaptic stability and function during cerebellar development.