Compared to the hdc gene from P. kishitanii, expression of the hdc2 gene was constitutive and not affected by pH or excess histidine. This newly identified protein explains possible mechanisms of histamine production in P. phosphoreum. Characterization of this protein will help in designing control measures to prevent or reduce histamine production in fish.Effect of functionalization on stability, solubility, and plasmonic features of gold nanoparticle with the general formula of Au18(SR)14 in water solvent has been studied in this work. Thiol functional groups including 1,1-mercapto-ethyl alcohol, s-cysteamine, thioglycolic acid, and beta-mercaptoethanol have been used. Electronic band-gap, excitation energies, dipole moment, and hardness for all gold nanoparticles in water solvent were investigated using the quantum mechanical approach. Intermolecular forces, radial distribution function (RDF), mean square displacement (MSD), and solvation free energy were calculated by using simulation methods. Electronic band-gap, and excitation energy analysis show that surface modification of gold nanoparticles can change their electronic and plasmonic properties. The analysis of dipole moments indicates that ligands affect the nanoparticle's solubility. An increase of hardness and therefore chemical stability can be observed for functionalized nanoparticles compared to the bare structure. Intermolecular energies analyses suggest that structure with 1,1-mercapto ethyl alcohol ligand has the strongest interaction with the solvent. The analysis of RDF diagrams also indicates that the molecule with 1,1-mercapto ethyl alcohol ligand has the sharpest pick. The slope of the linear part of MSD diagrams that is the criterion of solute's lateral diffusion is the highest value for nanoparticle with 1,1-mercapto ethyl alcohol ligand. Furthermore, functionalization also affects solvation free energy contributions. According to obtained data of quantum mechanical calculations and molecular dynamics simulations, it may be concluded that particle with 1,1-mercapto ethyl alcohol is the best ligand for increasing solubility, stability, and plasmonic functions of Au18(SR)14 structures among the examined ones.Desalination is an exciting technology to solve the global water problem. In recent years, the graphyne-based membranes have been paid much attention to water purification, because of their high resistance and efficiency, as well as low production cost. Herein, the molecular simulations were done to investigate the salt rejection from aqueous solution through the pristine graphdiyne (graphyne-2) nanosheet. For this purpose, a simulation cell including an aqueous solution of sodium and chloride ions and a graphdiyne membrane has been considered. For ion rejection from aqueous solution, a range of hydrostatic pressures was applied to the box. The water density, radial distribution function, and water density map analysis were studied to investigate the structure of water molecules in different parts of the simulation box including the feed side and the pure water side. The results demonstrated that the graphdiyne membrane has 100% salt rejection at pressures less then 400 MPa, and its permeability is higher than conventional polymeric membranes.Phosgene derivatives and chloromethyl chloroformate are chlorinated organic compounds, which are toxic in nature and are used as chemical warfare agents and for the synthesis of other organic compounds. In this work, the different modes of adsorption of these toxic molecules on pristine graphene and Fe4-decorated graphene have been studied. It has been found that physisorption of these adsorbates occurs on pristine graphene, but when graphene is decorated with a Fe4-cluster, dissociative adsorption takes place and the adsorption energy and charge transfer increase. After Fe4-cluster decoration, the surface exhibits magnetic character and its band gap decreases. The magnetic properties of the surface, before and after adsorption, have been studied using density of states (DOS)/partial density of states (PDOS) and electron density difference plots and it is found that the band gap increases after adsorption of the adsorbates.An increasing number of offshore structures are being deployed worldwide to meet the growing demand for renewable energy. Besides energy production, these structures can also provide new artificial habitats to a diversity of fish and crustacean species. This study characterises how concrete mattresses that stabilise the submarine power cable of a tidal energy test site can increase habitat capacity for benthic megafauna. A five-year monitoring, which relied on both visual counts and video-based surveys by divers, revealed that these mattresses provide a suitable habitat for 5 taxa of large crustaceans and fish. In particular, two commercially valuable species, i.e. the edible crab Cancer pagurus and the European lobster Homarus gammarus, showed a constant occupancy of these artificial habitats throughout the course of the project. The shape and the number of shelters available below individual mattresses largely determine potential for colonisation by mobile megafauna. Local physical characteristics of the implantation site (e.g. substratum type, topography, exposition to current etc.) significantly impact amount and type of shelters provided by the concrete mattresses. Thus, to characterise habitat potential of artificial structures, it is not only essential to consider (i) the design of the structures, but also to (ii) account for their interactions with local environmental conditions when deployed on the seafloor. The aim of this study was to screen for the presence of β-lactamase-producing Gram-negative bacteria (GNB) from Algerian currency collected from food vendors in Batna city, Algeria. During two periods (May 2018 and March-April 2019), a total of 408 coins and currency notes of different denominations of Algerian Dinar were randomly recovered from several food vendors. Samples were subjected to selective isolation of extended-spectrum cephalosporin- and carbapenem-resistant GNB. Bacterial species identification was performed using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF/MS). Antibiotic susceptibility testing was performed by the disk diffusion method. Carbapenemase and extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL) genes were searched for by real-time PCR, standard PCR and sequencing. The clonal relationship of carbapenemase-producing isolates was investigated by multilocus sequence typing (MLST). The transferability of the detected carbapenemase-encoding gene was verified by conjugation experiments.