Spin transport via magnon diffusion in magnetic insulators is important for a broad range of spin-based phenomena and devices. However, the absence of the magnon equivalent of an electric force is a bottleneck. In this Letter, we demonstrate the controlled generation of magnon drift currents in heterostructures of yttrium iron garnet and platinum. By performing electrical injection and detection of incoherent magnons, we find magnon drift currents that stem from the interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction. We can further control the magnon drift by the orientation of the magnetic field. The drift current changes the magnon propagation length by up to ±6% relative to diffusion. We generalize the magnonic spin transport theory to include a finite drift velocity resulting from any inversion asymmetric interaction and obtain results consistent with our experiments.Direct proton-knockout reactions of ^55Sc at ∼220  MeV/nucleon were studied at the RIKEN Radioactive Isotope Beam Factory. Populated states of ^54Ca were investigated through γ-ray and invariant-mass spectroscopy. Level energies were calculated from the nuclear shell model employing a phenomenological internucleon interaction. Theoretical cross sections to states were calculated from distorted-wave impulse approximation estimates multiplied by the shell model spectroscopic factors, which describe the wave function overlap of the ^55Sc ground state with states in ^54Ca. Despite the calculations showing a significant amplitude of excited neutron configurations in the ground-state of ^55Sc, valence proton removals populated predominantly the ground state of ^54Ca. This counterintuitive result is attributed to pairing effects leading to a dominance of the ground-state spectroscopic factor. Owing to the ubiquity of the pairing interaction, this argument should be generally applicable to direct knockout reactions from odd-even to even-even nuclei.We study