Conclusions Our data showed that the CPI (Combined probability of Identity) and CPE (Combined Power of Exclusion) for ten SNPs are 1.13 E-04 and 0.809 respectively. It was also showed based on the criteria only three SNPs (rs2107612, rs1454361 and rs2111980) are highly informative in Persian population. If we can find 39 SNPs with PE and PI close to PE and PI of these three SNPs (rs2107612, rs1454361 and rs2111980), we will be able to use of these 39 SNPs in human identification with sufficient power of discrimination. Copyright © 2019 The Author(s); Published by National Institute of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology.Background In plant breeding program to produce hybrid varieties, pair of male sterile and restorer fertility lines are required. Differentiation of lines possessing restorer fertility allele from the lines lacking it remove the need for the progeny test, and thus reducing the time and the cost in the hybrid production procedure. Canola breeding program in Iran has concentrated toward production of domestic hybrid varieties, however, it suffers from lack of molecular information in restore fertility status of lines, and therefore it needs time and tedious activities. Objectives To design gene-based markers for distinguishing R-, A- lines and hybrids in sunflower breeding programs. Material and Methods Aligning sequences of locus responsible for male sterility and that of male fertility resulted in finding differences in the loci, which used to define two set of suitable primer pairs. Genomic DNA from 25 R-lines (23 inbred lines and two commercial lines), 9 A-lines (7 inbred lines and two commercial lines), one B-line and two commercial hybrids were extracted and used in PCR as template. Results Using one-primer pairs, a band of nearly 1500 bp was amplified in restorer lines but not in A-, B- lines. Another primer pair used to distinguish hybrids (heterozygout) from restorer lines. Results of the report is predicted to be used in canola breeding for hybrid production. Conclusions Although the molecular bases for the male sterility and fertility restoration in rapeseed is not published, taking advantages of gene-based markers, make rapeseed breeding program more efficient regarding time and costs. Copyright © 2019 The Author(s); Published by National Institute of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology.Background The stress is one of main factors effects on production system. Several factors (both genetic and environmental elements) regulate immune response to stress. Objectives In order to determine the major immune system regulatory genes underlying stress responses, a learning Bayesian network approach for those regulatory genes was applied to RNA-Seq data from a bovine leukocyte model system. Material and Methods The transcriptome dataset GSE37447 was used from GEO and a Bayesian network on differentially expressed genes was learned to investigate the gene regulatory network. Results Applying the method produced a strongly interconnected network with four genes (TERF2IP, PDCD10, DDX10 and CENPE) acting as nodes, suggesting these genes may be important in the transcriptome regulation program of stress response. Of these genes TERF2IP has been shown previously to regulate gene expression, act as a regulator of the nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-κB) signalling, and to activate expression of NF-κB target genes; PDCD10 encodes a conserved protein associated with cell apoptosis; DDX10 encodes a DEAD box protein and is believed to be associated with cellular growth and division; and CENPE involves unstable spindle microtubule capture at kinetochores. Together these genes are involved in DNA damage of apoptosis, RNA splicing, DNA repairing, and regulating cell division in the bovine genome. The topology of the learned Bayesian gene network indicated that the genes had a minimal interrelationship with each other. This type of structure, using the publically available computational tool, was also observed on human orthologous genes of the differentially expressed genes. Conclusions Overall, the results might be used in transcriptomic-assisted selection and design of new drug targets to treat stress-related problems in bovines. Copyright © 2019 The Author(s); Published by National Institute of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology.Background Defensin peptide isolated from plants are often heterogeneous in length, sequence and structure, but they are mostly small, cationic and amphipathic. Plant defensins exhibit broad-spectrum antibacterial and antifungal activities against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, fungi and etc. Plant defensins also play an important role in innate immunity, such as heavy metal and some abiotic stresses tolerance. Objectives In this paper, in vitro broad-spectrum activities, antimicrobial and heavy metal absorption, of a recombinant plant defensin were studied. Material and Methods SDmod gene, a modified plant defensin gene, was cloned in pBISN1-IN (EU886197) plasmid, recombinant protein was produced by transient expression via Agroinfiltration method in common bean. The recombinant protein was tested for antibacterial activity against Gram-negative, Gram-positive bacteria and Fusarium sp. the effects of different treatments on heavy metal zinc absorption by this peptide were tested. Results We confir2019 The Author(s); Published by National Institute of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology.Background Azo dyes are xenobiotic compounds that have bioaccumulated in the environment due to escalated industrial development. These are hazardous in nature, possessing carcinogenic and mutagenic effects on human beings. Objectives The perspective of the present study was to isolate and to determine azo dye (Reactive Orange-16) degrading potential of marine actinobacteria isolated from sediment samples of Port Blair, India. Material and Methods Actinobacteria with dye decolorization potential were isolated from sea sediment samples. The actinobacterial isolate with the highest dye decolorizing percentage was identified with the help of phenotypic, biochemical and molecular studies. The different physico-chemical parameters for dye decolorization were also optimized. The nature of decolorization by the potent isolate was determined with the help of High Performance Liquid chromatography (HPLC) and Fourier Transformed Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) techniques. Further the toxicity of RO-16 decolorized products was investigated with the help of phytotoxcity assay.