According to binary logistic regression, the type of surgical-orthodontic treatment (OFA or SFA) was not a significant risk factor for postoperative TMJ clicking and pain, and the risk of postoperative TMJ clicking and pain was significant only when TMJ clicking (OR = 10.774, p less then 0.001) and pain (OR = 26.876, p = 0.008) existed before the start of the entire treatment, respectively. With regard to the treatment duration, SFA (21.1 ± 10.3 months) exhibited significantly shorter total treatment duration than OFA (34.4 ± 11.9 months) (p less then 0.001). The results of this study suggest that surgical-orthodontic treatment using SFA can be a feasible option of treatment for dentofacial deformities based on the equivalent effect on TMD and shorter overall treatment period compared to conventional surgical-orthodontic treatment using OFA.Do efficient communication networks accelerate solution discovery? The most prominent theory of organizational design for collective learning maintains that informationally efficient collaboration networks increase a group's ability to find innovative solutions to complex problems. We test this idea against a competing theory that argues that communication networks that are less efficient for information transfer will increase the discovery of novel solutions to complex problems. We conducted a series of experimentally designed Data Science Competitions, in which we manipulated the efficiency of the communication networks among distributed groups of data scientists attempting to find better solutions for complex statistical modeling problems. We present findings from 16 independent competitions, where individuals conduct greedy search and only adopt better solutions. We show that groups with inefficient communication networks consistently discovered better solutions. In every experimental trial, groups with inefficient networks outperformed groups with efficient networks, as measu