The experiments were carried out at temperatures below and above ambient for a range of fixed droplet radii (130 μm ≲ R ≲ 330 μm). Our results provide a primary validation of the centuries-old theoretical framework underpinning heterogeneous droplet evaporation mediated by the working fluid, substrate, and gas thermophysical properties, droplet apparent contact angle, and droplet size. We show that microscale droplets residing on low-thermal-conductivity substrates such as glass absorb up to 8× more heat from the surrounding gas compared to droplets residing on high-thermal-conductivity substrates such as copper. Our work not only develops an experimental understanding of the heat transfer mechanisms governing droplet evaporation but also presents a powerful platform for the study and characterization of liquid-vapor transport at curved interfaces wetting and nonwetting advanced functional surfaces.Biological aerosols, typically identified through their fluorescence properties, strongly influence clouds and climate. Sea spray aerosol (SSA) particles are a major source of biological aerosols, but detection in the atmosphere is challenging due to potential interference from other sources. Here, the fluorescence signature of isolated SSA, produced using laboratory-based aerosol generation methods, was analyzed and compared with two commonly used fluorescence techniques excitation-emission matrix spectroscopy (EEMS) and the wideband integrated bioaerosol sensor (WIBS). A range of dynamic biological ocean scenarios were tested to compare EEMS and WIBS analyses of SSA. Both techniques revealed similar trends in SSA fluorescence intensity in response to changes in ocean microbiology, demonstrating the potential to use the WIBS to measure fluorescent aerosols alongside EEMS bulk solution measurements. Together, these instruments revealed a unique fluorescence signature of isolated, nascent SSA and, for the first time, a size-segregated emission of fluorescent species in SSA. Additionally, the fluorescence signature of aerosolized marine bacterial isolates was characterized and showed similar fluorescence peaks to those of SSA, suggesting that bacteria are a contributor to SSA fluorescence. Through investigation of isolated SSA, this study provides a reference for future identification of marine biological aerosols in a complex atmosphere.Weakening of the poisoning by the specifically adsorbed anions assists in developing next-generation electrocatalysts for use in low-temperature fuel cells. In this study, we evaluated how hydrophobic cations with different alkyl chain lengths affect the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) activities on the single-crystal Pt surfaces in contact with sulfuric acid solution and Nafion ionomers. Interfacial tetraalkylammonium cations with longer alkyl chains activated the ORR on the Pt(111) surface. In a solution containing tetrahexylammonium cations (THA+), the ORR activities on Pt(111) in sulfuric acid solution and on Nafion-modified Pt(111) in perchloric acid solution were four and eight times higher than those in the solutions without THA+, respectively. Infrared spectroscopy revealed the reduction of the amount of (bi)sulfate anions and the sulfonate group of Nafion adsorbed on Pt(111) due to the presence of THA+. The hydrophobic cations weaken the noncovalent interactions between specifically adsorbed species and promote the ORR.In this study, the effects of in situ chemical oxidation (ISCO) on the biogeochemical properties of an aquifer soil were evaluated. Microcosms packed with an aquifer soil were investigated for 4 months in two phases including oxidant exposure (phase I) and biostimulation involving acetate addition (phase II). The geochemical and microbial alterations from different concentrations (0.2 and 50 mM) of hydrogen peroxide (HP) and peroxymonosulfate (PMS) were assessed. The 50 mM PMS-treated sample exhibited the most significant geochemical changes, characterized by the decrease in pH and the presence of more crystalline phases. Microbial activity decreased for all ISCO-treated microcosms compared to the controls; particularly, the activity was severely inhibited at high PMS concentration exposure. The soil microbial community structures were shifted after the ISCO treatment, with the high PMS causing the most distinct changes. Microbes such as the Azotobacter chroococcum and Gerobacter spp. increased during phase II of the ISCO treatment, indicating these bacterial communities can promote organic degradation despite the oxidants exposure. The HP (low and high concentrations) and low concentration PMS exposure temporarily impacted the microbial activity, with recovery after some duration, whereas the microbial activity was less recovered after the high concentration PMS exposure. These results suggest that the use of HP and low concentration PMS are suitable ISCO strategies for aquifer soil bioattenuation.Introducing nonvolatile liquid acids into porous solids is a promising solution to construct anhydrous proton-conducting electrolytes, but due to weak coordination or covalent bonds building these solids, they often suffer from structural instability in acidic environments. Herein, we report a series of steady conjugated microporous polymers (CMPs) linked by robust alkynyl bonds and functionalized with perfluoroalkyl groups and incorporate them with phosphoric acid. The resulting composite electrolyte exhibits high anhydrous proton conductivity at 30-120 °C (up to 4.39 × 10-3 S cm-1), and the activation energy is less than 0.4 eV. The excellent proton conductivity is attributed to the hydrophobic pores that provide nanospace for continuous proton transport, and the hydrogen bonding between phosphoric acid and perfluoroalkyl chains of CMPs promotes short-distance proton hopping from one side to the other.We present a growth process relying on pulsed laser deposition for the elaboration of complex van der Waals heterostructures on large scales, at a 400 °C CMOS-compatible temperature. Illustratively, we define a multilayer quantum well geometry through successive in situ growths, leading to WSe2 being encapsulated into WS2 layers. The structural constitution of the quantum well geometry is confirmed by Raman spectroscopy combined with transmission electron microscopy. The large-scale high homogeneity of the resulting 2D van der Waals heterostructure is also validated by macro- and microscale Raman mappings. We illustrate the benefit of this integrative in situ approach by showing the structural preservation of even the most fragile 2D layers once encapsulated in a van der Waals heterostructure. Finally, we fabricate a vertical tunneling device based on these large-scale layers and discuss the clear signature of electronic transport controlled by the quantum well configuration with ab initio calculations in support.