These results indicate that RHS8 is related to tick reproduction and its interference affects vitellogenesis. Bacillus subtilis microorganism when cultivated under chemically-defined conditions developed a biofilm with an unusual pattern of wrinkles on the surface. Some questions were raised about whether there was a special function of these wrinkles for the biofilm itself, since they resembled microchannels that could be involved in the transport of nutrients within the biofilm. Since the diffusion is the main mechanism for nutrient transport to biofilm from the medium, the role of these wrinkled structures in the whole diffusion within the biofilm was investigated using diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DW-MRI). Data from these diffusion images was used to generate 2D diffusion maps which highlighted the striking channel features of the biofilm surface. The diffusion maps revealed a network of interconnected channels, with self-diffusion coefficients higher in the microchannels than in other regions of the biofilms. Polar plots made from 2D diffusion maps obtained from the plane of the biofilm show an anisotropy of the diffusion inside the microchannels, with the diffusion higher when along the principal direction of the microchannels. These results agree with the model, that the buckling of the biofilm surface from the B. subtilis creates microchannels that can enhance diffusion throughout the biofilm. Topical administration of corticosteroids is the cornerstone treatment of anterior uveitis, but poor corneal penetration and retention cause hindrance in their therapeutic utility. The conventional eye drops are less valuable in conditions where inflammation reaches deeper regions of the eye. Therefore, there is a clear need for an effective drug delivery system, which can increase corticosteroid penetration after topical application. To address this, cationic nanostructured lipid carriers of the drug