Starvation ketosis may occur in children during intercurrent illnesses due to metabolic adaptation to fasting, resulting in significant ketonemia and sometimes ketoacidosis. Also known as accelerated starvation, common symptoms are vomiting, lethargy, and seizures. Previous studies found the prevalence of ketotic hypoglycemia to be 4 per 100,000 presentations to the emergency department (ED). We hypothesized that the prevalence had been underestimated due to the retrospective nature and restricted definitions of previous studies. Our aim was to determine if a prospective study would confirm a higher prevalence of starvation ketosis in pediatric patients presenting to the ED. A prospective observational study of consecutive patients was performed in an urban pediatric ED utilizing point-of-care testing of capillary blood glucose and ketones in symptomatic children. This study found the prevalence of clinically significant ketosis (defined as beta-hydroxybutyrate 2.5 mmol/L or more) to be approximately 18tify the need for specific therapy to resolve ketosis. To evaluate the prevalence of omental infarction (OI) in children with suspected appendicitis, the role of ultrasonography (US) in its diagnosis and management and the efficacy of conservative management. Consecutive children with suspected acute appendicitis were prospectively enrolled. Ultrasonography was performed at baseline, during follow-up, before the discharge, and at 15-day intervals until US findings of OI disappeared. All children with a diagnosis of OI were treated conservatively. One hundred ninety-nine children (91 male; age range, 3-15 years) were evaluated. Eighty-four patients had acute appendicitis. Omental infarctions were found in 14 children (8 male; mean age, 9.8 ± 2.6 years), with an incidence of 7%. Ultrasonography depicted an echogenic mass consistent with OI in all children. Ultrasonography detected in 8 patients a normal-looking appendix, whereas in other 6 patients, it identified neither appendix nor indirect signs of acute appendicitis. A normal appendix has been detected by US during follow-up in 2 of these 6 patients. During follow-up, US finding of OI disappeared in all cases and no signs of acute appendicitis or other disease occurred. All 14 OIs were treated conservatively, with no reported complications. Omental infarction is an underestimated cause of abdominal pain in children accounting for 7% of patients with suspected appendicitis. Ultrasonography is a useful method for the diagnoses and to guide clinical management of OI. Conservative therapy is a safe option for the management of OI. Omental infarction is an underestimated cause of abdominal pain in children accounting for 7% of patients with suspected appendicitis. Ultrasonography is a useful method for the diagnoses and to guide clinical management of OI. Conservative therapy is a safe option for the management of OI. A national survey found prehospital telemedicine had potential clinical applications but lacked provider opinion on its use for pediatric emergency care. We aimed to (1) estimate prehospital telemedicine use, (2) describe perceived benefits and risks of pediatric applications, and (3) identify preferred utilization strategies by paramedics. We administered a 14-question survey to a convenience sample of 25 Massachusetts paramedics attending a regional course in 2018. Volunteer participants were offered a gift card. We compared respondents to a state database for sample representativeness. We present descriptive statistics and summarize qualitative responses. Twenty-five paramedics completed the survey (100% response); 23 (96%) were male, 21 (84%) 40 years or older, and 23 (92%) in urban practice. Respondents were older and more experienced than the average Massachusetts paramedic. Few had used prehospital telemedicine for patients younger than 12 years (8%; 95% confidence interval, 10-26%). Potential be reported prehospital telemedicine is underutilized for children but identified potential benefits including provider telesupport, training, situational awareness, and documentation. Concerns included transportation delays, cost, and broadband availability. Video was preferred for limited pediatric exposure settings. These results inform which telemedicine applications and strategies paramedics favor for children. Pediatric distal forearm fractures are one of the most common injuries seen in the emergency department. Orthopedic teaching instructs providers to radiograph the joint above and the joint below the fracture site for concurrent injury. Despite this teaching, there is little evidence to suggest that elbow injuries are common in children with distal forearm fractures. Similarly, there are few data that help the clinician predict which children are at higher risk for co-injury. We conducted a cross-sectional analysis of the 2011 National Emergency Department Sample data set. Children aged 2 to 17 years with an International Classification of Disease, Ninth Revision, code for a distal forearm fracture were included in the study. The primary outcome of interest was an "elbow" injury, defined as an International Classification of Disease, Ninth Revision, code for proximal radius, proximal ulna, or distal humeral fracture or dislocation. Multivariable logistic regression was performed using patient demographics,r female children. Children with distal forearm fractures very rarely have concurrent elbow injuries. These injuries are more likely in younger female children.Fever is the most common complaint for infants and children brought to the emergency department. Most febrile children younger than 3 years will have a clinically apparent source of infection. However, in approximately 20% of these children, a source cannot be identified by history and physical examination alone. The recommended diagnostic approach to children younger than 3 years presenting with fever without source (FWS) has changed dramatically over the past 30 years because of the widespread use of the Haemophilus influenza type b and polyvalent pneumococcal vaccines. The percentage of children in the United States unvaccinated at 24 months is now over 1% and seems to be increasing. This article will review what is currently known about FWS in children aged 3 to 24 months in the modern era and how it pertains to unvaccinated children treated in the emergency department. An algorithm for the treatment of unvaccinated young children presenting with FWS is proposed.