RNA-dependent RNA polymerases (RdRps) of the Nidovirales (Coronaviridae, Arteriviridae, and 12 other families) are linked to an amino-terminal (N-terminal) domain, called NiRAN, in a nonstructural protein (nsp) that is released from polyprotein 1ab by the viral main protease (Mpro). Previously, self-GMPylation/UMPylation activities were reported for an arterivirus NiRAN-RdRp nsp and suggested to generate a transient state primed for transferring nucleoside monophosphate (NMP) to (currently unknown) viral and/or cellular biopolymers. Here, we show that the coronavirus (human coronavirus [HCoV]-229E and severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2) nsp12 (NiRAN-RdRp) has Mn2+-dependent NMPylation activity that catalyzes the transfer of a single NMP to the cognate nsp9 by forming a phosphoramidate bond with the primary amine at the nsp9 N terminus (N3825) following Mpro-mediated proteolytic release of nsp9 from N-terminally flanking nsps. Uridine triphosphate was the preferred nucleotide in this reaction, but also adenosine triphosphate, guanosine triphosphate, and cytidine triphosphate were suitable cosubstrates. Mutational studies using recombinant coronavirus nsp9 and nsp12 proteins and genetically engineered HCoV-229E mutants identified residues essential for NiRAN-mediated nsp9 NMPylation and virus replication in cell culture. The data corroborate predictions on NiRAN active-site residues and establish an essential role for the nsp9 N3826 residue in both nsp9 NMPylation in vitro and virus replication. This residue is part of a conserved N-terminal NNE tripeptide sequence and shown to be the only invariant residue in nsp9 and its homologs in viruses of the family Coronaviridae The study provides a solid basis for functional studies of other nidovirus NMPylation activities and suggests a possible target for antiviral drug development.The COVID-19 pandemic has the potential to affect the human microbiome in infected and uninfected individuals, having a substantial impact on human health over the long term. This pandemic intersects with a decades-long decline in microbial diversity and ancestral microbes due to hygiene, antibiotics, and urban living (the hygiene hypothesis). High-risk groups succumbing to COVID-19 include those with preexisting conditions, such as diabetes and obesity, which are also associated with microbiome abnormalities. Current pandemic control measures and practices will have broad, uneven, and potentially long-term effects for the human microbiome across the planet, given the implementation of physical separation, extensive hygiene, travel barriers, and other measures that influence overall microbial loss and inability for reinoculation. Although much remains uncertain or unknown about the virus and its consequences, implementing pandemic control practices could significantly affect the microbiome. In this Perspective, we explore many facets of COVID-19-induced societal changes and their possible effects on the microbiome, and discuss current and future challenges regarding the interplay between this pandemic and the microbiome. Recent recognition of the microbiome's influence on human health makes it critical to consider both how the microbiome, shaped by biosocial processes, affects susceptibility to the coronavirus and, conversely, how COVID-19 disease and prevention measures may affect the microbiome. This knowledge may prove key in prevention and treatment, and long-term biological and social outcomes of this pandemic. Metastatic breast cancer is a leading cause of cancer-related death in women worldwide. Infusion of natural killer (NK) cells is an emerging immunotherapy for such malignant tumors, although elimination of the immunosuppressive tumor environment is required to improve its efficacy. The effects of this "metastatic" tumor environment on NK cells, however, remain largely unknown. Previous studies, including our own, have demonstrated that metastasis-associated macrophages (MAMs) are one of the most abundant immune cell types in the metastatic tumor niche in mouse models of metastatic breast cancer. We thus investigated the effects of MAMs on antitumor functions of NK cells in the metastatic tumor microenvironment. MAMs were isolated from the tumor-bearing lung of C57BL/6 mice intravenously injected with E0771-LG mouse mammary tumor cells. The effects of MAMs on NK cell cytotoxicity towards E0771-LG cells were evaluated by real-time fluorescence microscopy. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/6-thio-dg.html The effects of MAM depletion on NK cell activatioppressing early metastatic tumor outgrowth. This study demonstrates that MAMs are a main negative regulator of NK cell function within the metastatic tumor niche, and MAM targeting is an attractive strategy to improve NK cell-based immunotherapy for metastatic breast cancer. This study demonstrates that MAMs are a main negative regulator of NK cell function within the metastatic tumor niche, and MAM targeting is an attractive strategy to improve NK cell-based immunotherapy for metastatic breast cancer.Exosomes, as the main group of extracellular vesicles, are biologically active lipid-bilayer vesicles that are naturally released from different types of normal or tumor cells. These vesicles play an important role in intercellular communication and influence the extracellular environment and the immune system. Emerging evidence demonstrates that cancer-derived exosomes are enriched in immunosuppressive proteins, such as the programmed death-ligand 1 (PD-L1). PD-L1 and its receptor programmed cell death protein 1 (PD-1) are the key immune checkpoint molecules that promote tumor progression via negative regulation of immune responses. PDL-1 is highly expressed on the surface of tumor cells and binds to PD-1 on the surface of activated T cells, leading to suppression of T cells, which consequently enables cancer cells to escape antitumor immunity. Currently, there are several Food and Drug Administration-approved monoclonal antibodies blocking PD-1/PD-L1 interaction, which are clinically used for cancer treatment. However, despite impressive treatment outcomes, some patients show poor response to PD-1/PD-L1 blockade. Of note, tumor-derived exosomes containing PD-L1 can recapitulate the effect of cell-surface PD-L1. There is evidence that reveals a significant association between levels of circulating exosomal PD-L1 and rate of response to anti-PD-1/PD-L1 antibody therapy. The present article reviews the role of exosomal PDL-1 in the therapeutic resistance to anti-PD-1/PD-L1 treatment. Importantly, it is suggested that the removal of exosomal PDL-1 could serve as a therapeutic adjuvant for enhancing the efficacy of anti-PD-1/PD-L1 therapy in patients with cancer.