Developmental changes in hepatic methionine adenosyltransferase, cystathionine β-synthase, cystathionase, and glycine N-methyltransferase were determined in broiler chick embryos and hatched chicks by using radiometric and spectrometric methods. Hepatic free methionine, S-adenosylmethionine, S-adenosylhomocysteine, homocysteine, cystathionine, and cysteine levels were also investigated. Results showed an increase in hepatic MAT activity from E10 to E21 during embryogenesis, suggesting greater transmethylation rates throughout the rapid embryonic growth and development period. A strong positive correlation between embryo BW and MAT activity also supports this idea. The MAT specific activity continued to increase after hatching, but there was a negative correlation between chick BW and MAT activities from D1 to D49. This may indicate different MAT isozymes exist for chick embryo hepatic tissue compared to hepatic tissue of hatched chick and growing broilers. The developmental pattern of MAT isozymes could be critical for methionine metabolism to cope with the demand imposed on the embryo, chicks, and growing broilers. Additionally, the specific activity of hepatic CBS in chick embryos was determined to be lower compared to that observed in older broilers (35 and 49 days). Since liver CBS specific activity is at the lowest point from D1-7 in young chicks, the ability to convert adequate homocysteine to cysteine through transsulphuration may be limiting for cysteine synthesis at this time. Steady-state hepatic homocysteine levels in chick embryos and chicks may be a function of the rates of homocysteine formation, remethylation, and catabolism via the transsulphuration pathway. The present study indicates young chicks from D1 to D7 may have a limited ability for adequate transsulphuration; therefore, dietary cystine may be needed for optimum performance.Apical microvilli of polarized epithelial cells govern the absorption of metabolites and the transport of fluid in tissues. Previously, we reported that tall and dense basal microvilli present on the endothelial cells of pancreatic cancers, a lethal malignancy with a high metabolism and unusual hypomicrovascularity, contain nutrient trafficking vesicles and glucose; their length and density were related to the glucose uptake of pancreatic cancers in a small-scale analysis. However, the implications of basal microvilli on pancreatic cancers are unknown. Here, we evaluated the clinical implications of basal microvilli in 106 pancreatic cancers. We found that basal microvilli are a dominant change in pancreatic cancers. The presence of longer and denser basal microvilli on the microvessels in pancreatic cancer tissues positively correlated with increased glucose uptake and higher metastatic (or invasive) and proliferative potentials of neoplastic cells and vice versa. Clinically, postoperative patients with longer and denser basal microvilli were more prone to unfavorable pathological characteristics and dismal prognoses. They were even more refractory to adjuvant therapy than those with shorter and thinner basal microvilli were. Our findings show that basal microvilli define the metabolic capacity and lethal phenotype of pancreatic cancers. © 2020 The Authors. The Journal of Pathology published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. on behalf of The Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. To assess whether an advance care planning (ACP) video intervention impacts care among short-stay nursing home (NH) patients. PRagmatic trial of Video Education in Nursing Homes (PROVEN) was a pragmatic cluster randomized clinical trial. A total of 360 NHs (N = 119 intervention, N = 241 control) owned by two healthcare systems. A total of 2,538 and 5,290 short-stay patients with advanced dementia or cardiopulmonary disease (advanced illness) in the intervention and control arms, respectively; 23,302 and 50,815 short-stay patients without advanced illness in the intervention and control arms, respectively. Five ACP videos were available on tablets or online. Designated champions at each intervention facility were instructed to offer a video to patients (or proxies) on admission. Control facilities used usual ACP practices. Follow-up time was at most 100 days for each patient. Outcomes included hospital transfers per 1000 person-days alive and the proportion of patients experiencing more than one hosfers, burdensome treatment, or hospice enrollment among short-stay NH patients; however, fidelity to the intervention was low. An ACP video program did not significantly reduce hospital transfers, burdensome treatment, or hospice enrollment among short-stay NH patients; however, fidelity to the intervention was low.Research on what neural mechanisms facilitate word reading development in non-alphabetic scripts is relatively rare. The present study was among the first to adopt a multivariate pattern classification analysis to decode electroencephalographic signals recorded for primary school children (N = 236) while performing a Chinese character decision task. Chinese is an ideal script for studying the relationship between neural discriminability (i.e., decodability) of the orthography and behavioral word reading skills since the mapping from orthography to phonology is relatively arbitrary in Chinese. This was also among the first empirical attempts to examine the extent to which decoding performance can predict current and subsequent word reading skills using a longitudinal design. Results showed that neural activation patterns of real characters can be distinguished from activation patterns for pseudo-characters, non-characters, and random stroke combinations in both younger and older children. Topography of the transformed classifier weights revealed two distinct cognitive sub-processes underlying single character recognition, but temporal generalization analysis suggested common neural mechanisms between the distinct cognitive sub-processes. Suggestive evidence from correlational and hierarchical regression analyses showed that decoding performance, assessed on average 2 months before the year 2 behavioral testing, predicted both year 1 word reading performance and the development of word reading fluency over the year. Results demonstrate that decoding performance, one indicator of how the neural system is functionally organized in processing characters and character-like stimuli, can serve as a useful neural marker in predicting current word reading skills and the capacity to learn to read.