Free CO and CN- formation and the degree of activation of [FeFe]-hydrogenase all occur regardless of dangler loading, but are increased 10-35% in the dangler-loaded HydG; this indicates the dangler iron is not essential to this process but may affect relevant catalysis. During HydG turnover in the presence of myoglobin, the g = 8.9 signal remains unchanged, indicating that a [Fe(CO)2(CN)(Cys)] synthon is not formed at the dangler iron. Mutation of the only protein ligand to the dangler iron, H272, to alanine nearly completely abolishes both free CO formation and hydrogenase activation, however results show this is not due solely to the loss of the dangler iron. In experiments with wild type and H272A HydG, and with different degrees of dangler loading, we observe a consistent correlation between free CO/CN- formation and hydrogenase activation. Taken in full, our results point to free CO/CN-, but not an [Fe(CO)2(CN)(Cys)] synthon, as essential species in hydrogenase maturation.Off-diagonal hypervirial relationships, combined with quantum mechanical sum rules of charge-current conservation, offer a way to test electronic excited-state transition energies and moments, which does not need any external reference. A number of fundamental relationships were recast into absolute deviations from zero, which have been used to assess the performance of some popular DFT functionals. Extended TD-DFT calculations have been carried out for a pool of molecules chosen for this purpose, adopting a large basis set to ensure high quality results. A partial agreement with previous benchmarks is observed.The trapping of paraffins is beneficial compared to selective olefin adsorption for adsorptive olefin purification from a process engineering point of view. Here we demonstrate the use of a series of Zn2(X-bdc)2(dabco) (where X-bdc2- is bdc2- = 1,4-benzenedicarboxylate with substituting groups X, DM-bdc2- = 2,5-dimethyl-1,4-benzenedicarboxylate or TM-bdc2- = 2,3,5,6-tetramethyl-1,4-benzenedicarboxylate and dabco = diazabicyclo[2.2.2.]octane) metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) for the adsorptive removal of ethane from ethylene streams. The best performing material from this series is Zn2(TM-bdc)2(dabco) (DMOF-TM), which shows a high ethane uptake of 5.31 mmol g-1 at 110 kPa, with a good IAST selectivity of 1.88 towards ethane over ethylene. Through breakthrough measurements a high productivity of 13.1 L kg-1 per breakthrough is revealed with good reproducibility over five consecutive cycles. Molecular simulations show that the methyl groups of DMOF-TM are forming a van der Waals trap with the methylene groups from dabco, snuggly fitting the ethane. Further, rarely used high pressure coadsorption measurements, in pressure regimes that most scientific studies on hydrocarbon separation on MOFs ignore, reveal an increase in ethane capacity and selectivity for binary mixtures with increased pressures. The coadsorption measurements reveal good selectivity of 1.96 at 1000 kPa, which is verified also through IAST calculations up to 3000 kPa. This study overall showcases the opportunities that pore engineering by alkyl group incorporation and pressure increase offer to improve hydrocarbon separation in reticular materials.Artificial photosystems assembled from molecular complexes, such as the photocatalyst fac-ReBr(CO)3(4,4'-dcbpy) (dcbpy = dicarboxy-2,2'-bipyridine) and the photosensitiser Ru(bpy)2(5,5'-dcbpy)Cl2 (bpy = 2,2'-bipyridine), are a wide-spread approach for solar fuel production. Recently metal-organic framework (MOF) entrapping of such complexes was demonstrated as a promising concept for catalyst stabilisation and reaction environment optimisation in colloidal-based CO2 reduction. Building on this strategy, here we examined the influence of MIL-101-NH2(Al) MOF particle size, the electron donor source, and the presence of an organic base on the photocatalytic CO2-to-CO reduction performance, and the differences to homogeneous systems. A linear relation between smaller scaffold particle size and higher photocatalytic activity, longer system lifetimes for benign electron donors, and increased turnover numbers (TONs) with certain additive organic bases, were determined. This enabled understanding of key molecular catalysis phenomena and synergies in the nanoreactor-like host-guest assembly, and yielded TONs of ∼4300 over 96 h of photocatalysis under optimised conditions, surpassing homogeneous TON values and lifetimes.Combining strong σ-donating N-heterocyclic carbene ligands and π-accepting pyridine ligands with a high octahedricity in rigid iron(ii) complexes increases the 3MLCT lifetime from 0.15 ps in the prototypical [Fe(tpy)2]2+ complex to 9.2 ps in [Fe(dpmi)2]2+12+. The tripodal CNN ligand dpmi (di(pyridine-2-yl)(3-methylimidazol-2-yl)methane) forms six-membered chelate rings with the iron(ii) centre leading to close to 90° bite angles and enhanced iron-ligand orbital overlap.Aqueous Zn-ion batteries with economical ZnSO4 solution as the electrolyte suffer from a tremendous tendency of dendrite formation under mildly acidic conditions; moreover, utilization of Zn(CF3SO3)2 delivers superior performance, but is expensive. Herein, we optimize the ZnSO4 electrolyte by inducing 50 μL of 10 M sulfuric acid in 10 mL electrolyte, which can achieve long cycle life (1000 h at 0.1 mA cm-2, 300 h at 1 mA cm-2 and 250 h at 10 mA cm-2) when the Zn foil is protected by three metallic oxides deposited by atomic layer deposition (ALD). The nucleation behaviour of the (002) facet has proved to play a critical role in the reversible lifespan. The Al2O3 layer would restrict the stripping procedure, leading to the highest overpotential, while the TiO2 layer and Fe2O3 layer tended to strip all orientations but the (002) facet. Al2O3@Zn demonstrated a preference for a compact hillock-like (101) orientation texture in the deposition procedure, while TiO2@Zn and Fe2O3@Zn were favourable to obtain a smooth terrace texture. Additionally, symmetric cells with Fe2O3@Zn expressed the lowest overpotential (31.64 mV) and minimal voltage hysteresis (23.6 mV) at 1 mA cm-2. A Zn-MnO2 battery with Fe2O3@Zn also displayed superior capacity, which could reach 280 mA h g-1 at a current density of 1 A g-1. The diffusion coefficient of Zn2+ discloses that among the three ALD layers, full cells with Fe2O3@Zn are the most favourable for diffusion of Zn2+ in acidic electrolyte.