Thus, coaxial micro-extrusion-based 3D printing of a CPC ink with aqueous solvent enhances printability and allows the use of the widespread steam sterilization cycle as a standalone post-processing technique for production of 3D printed personalized CaP bone substitutes. STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANCE Coaxial micro-extrusion-based 3D printing of a self-setting CaP cement with waterethanol mixtures increased the ink yield stress upon extrusion and the stability of fabricated structures. Printing height of overhang structure was doubled when aqueous solvents were used, and a 2 orders of magnitude log increase of the stiffness was achieved post-printing. A fast hardening step consisting of a standard steam sterilization was applied. Four to 5 times higher compressive moduli was obtained for hardened coaxially printed constructs. This improved mechanical performance is likely due to rapid CPC setting in the coaxial printing, preventing cracks formation during hardening process.The localization of organic material within biominerals is central to developing biomineral formation mechanisms. Coccoliths, morphologically sophisticated calcite platelets of intracellularly calcifying coccolithophores, are not only eco-physiologically important, but also influence biogeochemical cycles through mass production. Despite their importance and over a century of research, the formation mechanism of coccoliths is still poorly understood. Crucial unsolved questions include the localization of organic material within coccoliths. In extracellular calcifiers the discovery of an organics-containing nano-structure within seemingly single crystals has led to the formulation of a two-step crystallization mechanism. Coccoliths are traditionally thought of as being formed by a different mechanism, but it is unclear whether coccolith crystals possess a nano-structure. Here we review the evidence for and against such a nano-structure. Current SXPD analyses suggest a nano-structure of some kind, while imaging methods (SEM, TEM, AFM) provide evidence against it. We suggest directions for future research which should help solve this puzzle. STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANCE Coccolithophores, unicellular calcifying algae, are important primary producers and contribute significantly to pelagic calcium carbonate export. Their calcite platelets, the coccoliths, are amongst the most sophisticated biomineral structures. Understanding the crystallization mechanism of coccolith crystals is not only central to coccolithophore cell biology but also lies at the heart of biomineralization research more generally. The crystallization mechanism of coccoliths has remained largely elusive, not least because it is still an open question whether the micron sized coccolith crystals are pure calcite, or contain organic material. Here we review the state of the art and suggest a way to solve this central problem.Although conventional cancer therapies such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy prevail in clinic, they tend to have narrow therapeutic windows. Many chemotherapies have unfavorable pharmacokinetics while radiotherapy incurs radiotoxicity to normal tissues surrounding tumors. The chemical tunability of supramolecular metal-based nanoparticles (SMNPs) enables the incorporation of various therapeutics, including hydrophilic and hydrophobic chemotherapeutic drugs, photosensitizers, radiosensitizers, and biological therapeutics for more effective delivery to tumors. In this mini-review, we highlight recent advances in SMNPs, namely nanoscale coordination polymers and nanoscale metal-organic frameworks, for drug delivery and cancer therapy. We particularly focus on innovative uses of metal clusters, ligands, pores, and surface modifications to load various therapeutics into SMNPs and critical evaluations of the anticancer efficacies of SMNPs.Scaphotrapeziotrapezoid osteoarthritis (STT OA) is common and often associated with thumb basal joint arthritis. Pain at the base of the thumb on the volar aspect and during resisted extension is characteristic of symptomatic STT OA. If conservative treatment fails, surgical treatment may be offered. In case of STT OA, treatment may range from arthrodesis to trapeziectomy (isolated or associated with ligament reconstruction and/or interposition). Any preoperative intracarpal instability (DISI) can be exacerbated by resecting more than 3 or 4 mm of the distal pole of scaphoid. For peritrapezial osteoarthritis, trapeziectomy is the logical solution, but it exposes the patient to known complications loss of strength, long recovery, trapeziometacarpal impingement. Initial treatment of thumb basal joint arthritis by arthroplasty is also an option. Treatment of both sites is also possible by interposition of pyrocarbon implants. In all cases (isolated or associated STT OA) and no matter the technique chosen, maintaining the scaphoid height (arthrodesis, resection less then 3 mm and/or associated interposition) and performing oblique trapezoidal osteotomy (to prevent scaphoid-metacarpal impingement) are the two crucial elements of surgical treatment. No previous large population-based studies of traumatic spinal injury (TSI) rates, trends, and patterns exist. We aimed to fill this knowledge gap on TSI epidemiology using a population-based study of 13 million people. This is a descriptive cross-sectional cohort study that analyzes a national, mandatory reporting database for all emergency departments and ambulatory care centers in Ontario over 15 years. Demographics of TSI, trends in the TSI rate, etiology, transfer, disposition, comorbidities, and associated traumatic brain injury or spinal cord injury were analyzed. There were 167,357 TSI-related emergency department visits resulting in 70,684 hospitalizations and 376 deaths. The overall rate of TSI significantly increased from 66.94 to 118.61 per 100,000. Female patients had greater rates of TSI. Older patients had greater rates of TSI, especially related to falls. Fall was found to be the commonest mechanism of TSI, whereas motor vehicle collisions scaled down to the third commonest mechanism of TSI. Sport-related TSI had the greatest percentage of increase in the rate over all mechanisms (221%, P < 0.001). TSI with associated traumatic brain injury comprised 6% of the cohort but had the greatest percentage increase (91%) in the rate compared to all other TSI forms. The rate of TSI continues to rise in Ontario as the population ages. The rise is primarily attributed to a shift in the epidemiology and etiology of TSI from a younger male population toward an older female population, with falls as the primary injury mechanism. Establishing preventive measures to address this shift is essential. The rate of TSI continues to rise in Ontario as the population ages. The rise is primarily attributed to a shift in the epidemiology and etiology of TSI from a younger male population toward an older female population, with falls as the primary injury mechanism. Establishing preventive measures to address this shift is essential.