This analysis was essential to demonstrate that cultivation conditions, static and under agitation, exert strong influences on the production of several enzymes produced by different fungi. The kind of sugarcane, pretreatment used, microorganisms, and carbon sources proved limiting sugar profile factors.In burn medicine, the percentage of the burned body surface area (TBSA-B) to the total body surface area (TBSA) is a crucial parameter to ensure adequate treatment and therapy. Inaccurate estimations of the burn extent can lead to wrong medical decisions resulting in considerable consequences for patients. These include, for instance, over-resuscitation, complications due to fluid aggregation from burn edema, or non-optimal distribution of patients. Due to the frequent inaccurate TBSA-B estimation in practice, objective methods allowing for precise assessments are required. Over time, various methods have been established whose development has been influenced by contemporary technical standards. This article provides an overview of the history of burn size estimation and describes existing methods with a critical view of their benefits and limitations. Traditional methods that are still of great practical relevance were developed from the middle of the 20th century. These include the "Lund Browder Chart", the "Rule of Nines", and the "Rule of Palms". These methods have in common that they assume specific values for different body parts' surface as a proportion of the TBSA. Due to the missing consideration of differences regarding sex, age, weight, height, and body shape, these methods have practical limitations. Due to intensive medical research, it has been possible to develop three-dimensional computer-based systems that consider patients' body characteristics and allow a very realistic burn size assessment. To ensure high-quality burn treatment, comprehensive documentation of the treatment process, and wound healing is essential. Although traditional paper-based documentation is still used in practice, it no longer meets modern requirements. Instead, adequate documentation is ensured by electronic documentation systems. An illustrative software already being used worldwide is "BurnCase 3D". It allows for an accurate burn size assessment and a complete medical documentation.Modelling the growth of microorganisms in relation to environmental factors provides quantitative knowledge that can be used to predict their behaviour in foods. For this reason, the effects of temperature and water activity (aw) adjusted with NaCl on the surface growth of two isolates and one culture strain of Geotrichum candidum were studied. A dataset of growth parameters obtained from almost 600 growth curves was employed for secondary modelling with cardinal models (CMs). The theoretical minimal temperature resulting from the modelling of the mycelium proliferation rate ranged from -5.2 to -0.4 °C. Optimal and maximal temperatures were calculated and found to have narrow ranges of 25.4 to 28.0 °C and 34.2 to 37.6 °C, respectively. Cardinal aw values associated with radial growth (awmin from 0.948-0.960 and awopt from 0.992-0.993) confirmed the salt sensitivity of the species. Model goodness-of-fit was evaluated by the coefficient of determination R2, which ranged from 0.954 to 0.985, and RMSE, which ranged from 0.28 to 0.42. Substantially higher variability accompanied the lag time for growth modelling than the radial growth rate modelling despite the square root transformation of the reciprocal lag phase data (R2 = 0.685 to 0.808). Nevertheless, the findings demonstrate that the outputs of growth modelling can be applied to the quantitative evaluation of the roles of G. candidum in fresh cheese spoilage as well as the ripening of Camembert-type cheeses or various artisanal cheeses. Along with validation, the interactions with lactic acid bacteria can be included to improve the predictions of G. candidum in the future.Secondary electron emission (SEE) of the oxygen-free high-conductivity copper (OFHC) target surface in neutron generators limits the stability and improvement of the neutron yield. A novel-type target of titanium-palladium films coated on laser-treated OFHC target substrate was proposed and explored in this work to obtain low secondary electron yield (SEY) without introducing any components. The combination of Ti-Pd films and laser-treated OFHC substrate can effectively suppress secondary electron emission and enhance the adsorption ability to hydrogen isotopes with the existence of Pd film. The surface morphologies, surface chemical states, and SEYs of Ti-Pd films with laser-treated OFHC substrate were studied systematically for the first time. The XPS results showed that the laser-treated OFHC substrate surface was basically covered by Pd film. However, the Pd film surface was partially oxidized, with percentages of 21.31 and 10.02% for PdO and PdO2, respectively. The SEYs of Ti-Pd films with laser-treated OFHC substrate were all below 1 within the investigated primary energy range of 100-3000 eV, which would be sufficient for application in neutron generators. Specifically, the maximum SEY (δmax) of laser-treated OFHC substrate coated by Ti-Pd films was 0.87 with corresponding incident electron energy of 400 eV.Thoracic aortic aneurysms may result in dissection with fatal consequences if undetected. A young male patient with no relevant familial history, after having been investigated for hypertension, was diagnosed with an ascending aortic aneurysm involving the aortic root and the proximal tubular segment, associated with a septal atrial defect. The patient underwent a Bentall surgery protocol without complications. Clinical examination revealed dorso-lumbar scoliosis and no other signs of underlying connective tissue disease. Microscopic examination revealed strikingly severe medial degeneration of the aorta, with areas of deep disorganization of the medial musculo-elastic structural units and mucoid material deposition. Genetic testing found a variant of unknown significance the PRKG1 gene encoding the protein kinase cGMP-dependent 1, which is important in blood pressure regulation. There may be genetic links between high blood pressure and thoracic aortic aneurysm determinants. Hypertension was found in FBN1 gene mutations encoding fibrillin and in PRKG1 mutations.