However, all the larvae had different kind of malformations. Finally, in order to improve the results obtained at -20 °C, the CSs were incorporated into the embryos by microinjection. In this case, it was observed that the most convenient combination was the microinjection of S2 (same composition as S1 but without Me2SO) in the perivitelline space followed by rapid cooling. Although the hatching rate was not improved (67.93 ± 8.31%), the microinjection allowed to obtain at least 4.5% normal-looking larvae. These results showed that the cooling of pejerrey embryos at zub-zero temperatures was feasible. Moreover, the microinjection of cryoprotectants within the pejerrey O.bonariensis embryos was employed for the first time in this species. The objectives of this study were to (1) characterize the variability for sire's predicted transmitting ability (PTA) for daughter's pregnancy rate (DPR) and cow conception rate (CCR), (2) determine the relationships among sire's PTA for DPR, sire's PTA for CCR, daughter's parity, and daughter's 305-d mature-equivalent (ME) milk production, and (3) evaluate the associations among sire's PTA for DPR and CCR and daughter's reproductive performance [pregnancy to first artificial insemination (P/AI), pregnancy by 150 d in milk (PR150) and pregnancy loss (PL) after first AI] in Canadian Holstein cows. The data were obtained from 822 lactating Holstein cows from 10 commercial dairy herds located in Alberta. Overall mean (range) for sire's PTA for DPR and CCR was -0.09 (-9.6 to 8.2) and -0.05 (-9.9 to 7.4), respectively. Sire's PTA for DPR was strongly and positively associated with sire's PTA for CCR (r = 0.89; P less then 0.01). Sire's PTA for DPR and CCR were weakly and negatively associated with parity (r = -0ghly variable and positively correlated. Sire's PTA for DPR was associated with daughter's P/AI and PR150, but sire's PTA for CCR was not associated with any of the mea