And the marker chromosomes for the mother and the fetus were all finally identified as inv dup(15) (D15Z1++, SNRPN-, PML-), which illustrated that the fetus inherited the sSMC(15) from her mother. Finally, a healthy female infant was delivered with no phenotypic abnormalities at 39 weeks. The combined utilization of the molecular genetic technologies, such as FISH and CMA, plays a critical role in the identification of the origins and genetic constitutions of sSMC, which would make a significant contribution to genetic counseling and prenatal diagnosis. The combined utilization of the molecular genetic technologies, such as FISH and CMA, plays a critical role in the identification of the origins and genetic constitutions of sSMC, which would make a significant contribution to genetic counseling and prenatal diagnosis. We present two prenatal cases of first-trimester cystic hygroma who are later found to suffer from rare genetic syndromes. Both of the two pregnant women were showed to have fetal cystic hygroma on ultrasound at the first trimester. Fetal microarray result was normal. Follow-up sonographic examinations showed no structural anomalies. The two pregnancies continued uncomplicatedly to term. However, the two infants developed early neurodevelopmental syndrome within two years of age. Exome sequencing confirmed that one child had Mental retardation, autosomal dominant 23 (MRD23) with a c.646delC (p.Q216Sfs∗35) variant in SETD5 gene, and the other child had Smith-Magenis syndrome with a c.3103dupC (Q1035Pfs∗31) variant in RAI1 gene. Clinicians have to be vigilant when counseling the patient whose fetus has a first-trimester cystic hygroma even with a normal array result and normal sonographic scans. Although they are rare, monogenetic syndromes are possible outcomes. Clinicians have to be vigilant when counseling the patient whose fetus has a first-trimester cystic hygroma even with a normal array result and normal sonographic scans. Although they are rare, monogenetic syndromes are possible outcomes. We describe herein our experience of employing a hysterectomy and prophylactic internal iliac artery balloon occlusion (IIABO) strategy for the management of recurrent severe placenta increta at 8 weeks in a twin pregnancy following uterus-conserving surgery for prior placenta accreta spectrum (PAS) disorder. A 40-year-old woman with a history of uterus-conserving surgery for PAS disorder underwent transvaginal ultrasound evaluation at 8 weeks of pregnancy, which showed a dichorionic/diamniotic pregnancy with viable embryos of a crown-rump length of 1.65cm and 2.03cm, respectively. Many irregularly-shaped grade 3+ lacunae were observed, and color Doppler imaging revealed diffuse intraplacental and perihypervascularity. A total abdominal hysterectomy was performed at 10 weeks, with an estimated blood loss of 1275mL. Placenta increta was confirmed by histopathologic examination. The high rate of recurrence of PAS disorder in a subsequent pregnancy should be discussed following an antenatal diagnosis of PAS disorder with patients who may be considering uterine conservation in order to retain the option of a future pregnancy. The high rate of recurrence of PAS disorder in a subsequent pregnancy should be discussed following an antenatal diagnosis of PAS disorder with patients who may be considering uterine conservation in order to retain the option of a future pregnancy. We describe our experience with serial uterine artery embolization (UAE) combined with standard weekly methotrexate and a eight-day methotrexate/folinic acid (MTX/FA) treatment regimen in the management of placenta accreta spectrum (PAS) disorder at 7 weeks of gestation. A 38-year-old woman, gravida 2 para 0, with a history of myomectomy, was referred for ultrasound (US) evaluation due to suspected cervico-isthmic pregnancy. Transvaginal US image showed a viable embryo with a disproportionately bigger placenta encircling the fetus and completely covering the internal os of the cervix at 7 weeks of gestation. Color Doppler imaging revealed diffuse intraplacental and periplacental vascularity. Patient chose to terminate the pregnancy but attempted to preserve the uterus for future fertility following counseling. Serial UAE procedures were performed using Gelfoam and metallic microcoils. Two courses of a standard weekly MTX and a eight-day MTX/FA treatment regimen were administered to accelerate placental regression. The beta-hCG gradually decreased to a normal level, and an ultimate resolution of the PAS disorder was observed at 110 days after treatment. Early diagnosis of the PAS disorder could result in better obstetric outcome through earlier intervention using serial UAE combined with standard weekly and a eight day MTX//FA regimen in the first trimester of pregnancy. Early diagnosis of the PAS disorder could result in better obstetric outcome through earlier intervention using serial UAE combined with standard weekly and a eight day MTX//FA regimen in the first trimester of pregnancy. Herlyn-Werner-Wünderlich (HWW) syndrome is a rare condition in which patients present with a palpable pelvic mass and pain caused by an obstructed hemivagina. Here we present a case of HWW syndrome characterized by prolonged menstrual bleeding. A 19-year-old nonsexually active unmarried women experienced irregular menstrual cycles and menorrhagia. The duration of menstrual bleeding was 10-14 days. She also suffered from mild dysmenorrhea since menarche at the age of 13. Transabdominal sonography revealed a double uterus and a heterogeneous myoma-mimicking mass over the left cervical region. The left kidney was absent. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed a double uterus, a double vagina with an unperforated left hemivagina, and ipsilateral renal agenesis. The patient underwent cervicovaginal orifice reconstruction surgery. Left hematocolpos compression, a partially obstructed right vaginal channel, and an orifice with local venous drainage abnormalities resulted in prolonged menstrual bleeding. In HWW syndrome, the occurrence of a pelvic mass and pain is common; however, prolonged menstrual bleeding is rare. Left hematocolpos compression, a partially obstructed right vaginal channel, and an orifice with local venous drainage abnormalities resulted in prolonged menstrual bleeding. In HWW syndrome, the occurrence of a pelvic mass and pain is common; however, prolonged menstrual bleeding is rare.