Following this proof of concept, the ProFlex flexibility analysis coupled with pattern recognition and activity classification may be useful for predicting whether newly designed ligands behave as activators or inhibitors in protein families in general, based on the pattern of flexibility they induce in the protein.Aptamer-based approaches are very promising tools in nanomedicine. These small single-stranded DNA or RNA molecules are often used for the effective delivery and increasing biocompatibility of various therapeutic agents. Recently, magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) have begun to be successfully applied in various fields of biomedicine. The use of MNPs is limited by their potential toxicity, which depends on their biocompatibility. The functionalization of MNPs by ligands increases biocompatibility by changing the charge and shape of MNPs, preventing opsonization, increasing the circulation time of MNPs in the blood, thus shielding iron ions and leading to the accumulation of MNPs only in the necessary organs. Among various ligands, aptamers, which are synthetic analogs of antibodies, turned out to be the most promising for the functionalization of MNPs. This review describes the factors that determine MNPs' biocompatibility and affect their circulation time in the bloodstream, biodistribution in organs and tissues, and biodegradation. The work also covers the role of the aptamers in increasing MNPs' biocompatibility and reducing toxicity.In the last two decades, due to the development of the information society, the massive increase in the use of information technologies, including the connection and communication of multiple electronic devices, highlighting Wi-Fi networks, as well as the emerging technological advances of 4G and 5G (new-generation mobile phones that will use 5G), have caused a significant increase in the personal exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields (RF-EMF), and as a consequence, increasing discussions about the possible adverse health effects. The main objective of this study was to measure the personal exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields from the Wi-Fi in the university area of German Jordanian University (GJU) and prepare georeferenced maps of the registered intensity levels and to compare them with the basic international restrictions. Spot measurements were made outside the university area at German Jordanian University. Measurements were made in the whole university area and around two buildings. Two Satimo EME SPY 140 (Brest, France) personal exposimeters were used, and the measurements were performed in the morning and afternoon, and on weekends and weekdays. The total average personal exposure to RF-EMF from the Wi-Fi band registered in the three study areas and in the four days measured was 28.82 μW/m2. The average total exposure from the Wi-Fi band registered in the ten measured points of the university area of GJU was 22.97 μW/m2, the one registered in the eight measured points of building H was 34.48 μW/m2, and the one registered in the eight points of building C was 29.00 μW/m2. The maximum average values registered in the campus of GJU are below the guidelines allowed by International Commission on Non-ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP). The measurement protocol used in this work has been applied in measurements already carried out in Spain and Mexico, and it is applicable in university areas of other countries.A laser triangulation system, which is composed of a camera and a laser, calculates distances between objects intersected by the laser plane. Even though there are commercial triangulation systems, developing a new system allows the design to be adapted to the needs, in addition to allowing dimensions or processing times to be optimized; however the disadvantage is that the real accuracy is not known. The aim of the research is to identify and discuss the relevance of the most significant error sources in laser triangulator systems, predicting their error contribution to the final joint measurement accuracy. Two main phases are considered in this study, namely the calibration and measurement processes. The main error sources are identified and characterized throughout both phases, and a synthetic error propagation methodology is proposed to study the measurement accuracy. As a novelty in uncertainty analysis, the present approach encompasses the covariances of correlated system variables, characterizing both phases for a laser triangulator. An experimental methodology is adopted to evaluate the measurement accuracy in a laser triangulator, comparing it with the values obtained with the synthetic error propagation methodology. The relevance of each error source is discussed, as well as the accuracy of the error propagation. A linearity value of 40 µm and maximum error of 0.6 mm are observed for a 100 mm measuring range, with the camera calibration phase being the main error contributor.Experimental models of neuroendocrine tumor disease are scarce, with only a few existing neuroendocrine tumor cell lines of pancreatic origin (panNET). Their molecular characterization has so far focused on the neuroendocrine phenotype and cancer-related mutations, while a transcription-based assessment of their developmental origin and malignant potential is lacking. In this study, we performed immunoblotting and qPCR analysis of neuroendocrine, epithelial, developmental endocrine-related genes as well as next-generation sequencing (NGS) analysis of microRNAs (miRs) on three panNET cell lines, BON-1, QGP-1, and NT-3. All three lines displayed a neuroendocrine and epithelial phenotype; however, while insulinoma-derived NT-3 cells preferentially expressed markers of mature functional pancreatic β-cells (i.e., INS, MAFA), both BON-1 and QGP-1 displayed high expression of genes associated with immature or non-functional β/δ-cells genes (i.e., NEUROG3), or pancreatic endocrine progenitors (i.e., FOXA2). NGS-basedce as neuroendocrine tumor models.In this paper, we investigate the impact of saturation nonlinear energy harvesting (EH) and activation threshold on the multiuser wireless powered sensor networks (WPSNs) from the physical layer security (PLS) perspective. In particular, for improving the secrecy performance, the generalized multiuser scheduling (GMS) scheme is exploited, in which the Kth strongest sensor is chosen based on the legitimate link. For evaluating the impact of various key parameters on the security of system, we obtain the exact closed-form expressions for secrecy outage probability (SOP) under linear EH (LEH), saturation nonlinear EH (SNEH) and saturation nonlinear EH with activation threshold (SNAT), respectively, and solve the maximization problem of secure energy efficiency (SEE). Simulation results demonstrate that (1) the number of source sensors, the EH efficiency and the transmit power of power beacon (PB) all have positive impact on SOP, and the smaller generalized selection coefficient is advantageous for secrecy performance; (2) LEH is an ideal situation for SNEH when the saturation threshold is large enough and SNEH is a special situation for SNAT when the activation threshold is low enough; (3) the time-switching factor and the activation threshold both have an important impact on the secrecy performance, which are worth considering carefully.