Background The management of patients with unprotected left main (LM) coronary artery disease remains challenging, with recent data casting a shadow of doubt on the safety of percutaneous coronary intervention. We aimed at describing the features of patients undergoing myocardial perfusion imaging subsequently found to have LM disease. Methods We queried our institutional database for subjects without prior revascularization or myocardial infarction (MI), who had undergone MPI followed by invasive coronary angiography within 6 months, comparing those with evidence of angiographically significant LM disease (i.e. diameter stenosis ≥50%) to those without significant coronary artery disease (CAD), or those with CAD not involving LM. Baseline, stress and imaging features were systematically collected and analyzed, and clinical outcomes (death, myocardial infarction, revascularization) sought. Results We included a total of 74 patients with LM disease, which were compared with 70 without CAD, and 920 with significant CAD not involving LM. MPI was remarbably safe in all subjects, and significant differences were found for several features, but particularly so for ST change, rate pressure product, and left ventricular ejection fraction (all p less then 0.05). Most patients with LM disease had moderate or severe ischemia, and the apical, lateral and inferior regions were the most sensitive ones. Clinical outcomes after an average of 35 months were worse in patients with LM disease than in subjects with significant CAD not involving LM, albeit non-significantly, possibly in light of the higher use of coronary artery bypass grafting. Conclusions MPI is safe and informative in patients with LM disease, and multidimensional appraisal of MPI results may guide decision-making on top of providing prognostic detail and warranty period.Background In this study, we investigated whether the frontal QRS-T angle was different between the athletes and normal healthy people. Methods The study included 122 healthy athletes (the mean age was 29.7±7.7 years, of them, were 73.8% male) and a control group consisted of 60 healthy people (the mean age was 29.8±7.8 years, of them, were 26% male). Then, the athletes were divided into two groups as who used protein supplements (PS) and those who did not. In the 12-lead ECG, heart rate (HR), P, QRS, QT, corrected QT (QTc) duration, QT and corrected QT dispersion (QTD, QTcD), the sum of V1 or V2S amplitude and V5 or V6R amplitude (V1/2S+V5/6R), frontal QRS-T angle were calculated. Results There was no significant difference between the athletes and control groups regarding age, gender, smoking, body mass index, systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP), echocardiographic features, P, PR duration, P, QRS, T axis, QTD and QTcD (p>0.05).HR and QTc were significantly lower (p0.05). However, male gender was dominant in the PS users group (p=0.018). The P axis, PR and QRS duration were longer in the PS users group (p less then 0.05).It was found that the T axis was negatively correlated (r=-0.431,p less then 0.001) but the QRS axis was positively correlated (r =0.395,p less then 0.001) with frontal QRS-T angle. Conclusions The frontal QRS-T angle, was found to be wider in athletes compared to normal healthy participants. However, there was no significant difference between who used PS and those who didn't.Atherosclerosis is a major cause of disease-related mortality around the globe. The main characteristic of the disease is an accumulation of plaque on the arterial wall and subsequent erosion or rupture of some plaques. Atherosclerosis often leads to cardiovascular disease and such acute complications as myocardial infarction or ischaemic stroke due to thrombus formation. Most recent advances in atherosclerotic research state that the modifications of low- density lipoprotein (LDL) are one of the most significant stages in the disease initiation, and among these modifications desialylation is of particular interest. Sialic acids are widely expressed on all types of cells of many organisms and participate in numerous biological processes. Regarding atherosclerosis, sialidases that are responsible for the regulation of the sialic component of different molecules, are probably one of the most crucial enzymatic families. Sufficient sialylation of vascular endothelium defines its susceptibility to an atherogenic plaque formation. Moreover, the desialylation of LDL provokes an accumulation of cholesterol and lipids in the arterial walls. According to the multiple involvements of sialic acids and related enzymes, sialidases, in the initiation and development of atherosclerosis, the deeper understanding of their exact role, as well as cellular and molecular mechanisms, will allow creating more targeted and effective therapeutic and diagnostic approaches.Background Synthetic cannabinoids are part of a group of drugs called new psychoactive substances. The increase in substance use among young adults is becoming a major problem in the world. In this study we aimed to investigate the effects of synthetic cannabinoid drugs (BONSAI by in name Turkey) to electrocardiographic (ECG) parameters, in patients who were admitted to emergency service with self-reported usage of bonsai. Methods Seventy-two patients (68 males; mean age 33.8 ± 11.8) with self-reported use of bonsai and 27 (22 males; mean age 37.1 ± 8.7) age and sex-matched healthy control group enrolled the study. ECG parameters and rhythm holter were measurements calculated in both groups. Results Groups were age and sex-matched. Glucose, potassium , white blood cell count, heart rate end smoking status was significantly different in patients compared to control group. P wave max time, P wave min. time, P wave dispersion, QT max. time QT dispersion, QT corrected time and iCEB measurements (Index of Cardiac-Electrophysiological Balance) were significatly different in patient group. A multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to determine independent predictors of ≥30 VPB(Ventricular premature beat)/h using parameters found to be associated with ≥30 VPB/h in a univariate analysis (potassium, QT max.time, QTc, QRS time, iCEB).In a multivariate analysis, independent predictors of ≥30 VPB/h were potassium (Odds ratio [OR] 0.107, 95% CI 0.024-0.481;P= 0.004) and iCEB (OR 4.474, 95% CI 1.752-11.429;P= 0.002). In generalize linear model β-coefficient value of interaction terms between K*iCEB has no ımportant effect on ventricular premature beats. Conclusions If the results are confirmed in further studies, iCEB seems to be a simple, easily measurable and non-invasive marker to predict cannabinoid-induced ventricular arrhythmias.