The preparation of novel organic-inorganic hybrid mesoporous organosilica containing pyridinedicarboxamide functional groups uniformly distributed inside the nanostructured pore walls has been addressed. The mesoporosity and uniformity of the synthesized nanomaterials were characterized by different techniques such as nitrogen adsorption/desorption measurements and powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD). Additionally, the presence of the pyridinedicarboxamide in the pore walls of the nanomaterials was assessed by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), as well as 29Si and 13C solid-state cross-polarization and magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance (CP/MAS-NMR). The Knoevenagel condensation of aldehydes with active methylene compounds was carried out over the pyridinedicarboxamide functionalized mesoporous organosilica, which has been proven to be an efficient heterogeneous basic catalyst in the presence of ethanol as solvent. The catalytic activity of the investigated materials was investigated in the Knoevenagel condensation between malononitrile and several benzaldehyde derivatives exhibiting a high conversion (>90%) and excellent selectivity toward the final condensation products under very mild reaction conditions. Furthermore, the catalyst stability is noteworthy as it could be recycled and reused at least twelve times without any significant change in the performance.Bladder cancer is one of the most frequent malignancies worldwide [...].Members of the Monoctonina subtribe have long been neglected in applied studies of the subfamily Aphidiinae, due to their low economic importance, as they do not parasitize pests of cultivated plants. Consequently, data about this group are scarce, including its taxonomy and phylogeny. In the present study, we explore inter- and intraspecific genetic variation of Monoctonina species, including genera Monoctonus Haliday 1833, Monoctonia Starý 1962, Falciconus Mackauer 1959 and Harkeria Cameron 1900. We employ two molecular markers, the barcode region of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) and the D2 region of the 28S nuclear gene (28S rDNA), to analyze genetic structuring and phylogeny of all available Monoctonina species, and combine them with morphological data for an integrative approach. We report one new species, and three potentially new species which can be formally described when further specimens are available. Analysis of phylogenetic relationships within the subtribe shows a basal position for the genera Falciconus and Monoctonia, and the close relatedness of Harkeria and Monoctonus. In the present study, a dense granule protein 17 (gra17) and novel putative transporter (npt1) double deletion mutant of Toxoplasma gondii RH strain was engineered. The protective efficacy of vaccination using RHΔgra17Δnpt1 tachyzoites against acute, chronic, and congenital toxoplasmosis was studied in a mouse model. Immunization using RHΔgra17Δnpt1 induced a strong humoral and cellular response, as indicated by the increased levels of anti-T. gondii specific IgG, interleukin 2 (IL-2), IL-10, IL-12, and interferon-gamma (IFN-γ). Vaccinated mice were protected against a lethal challenge dose (103 tachyzoites) of wild-type homologous (RH) strain and heterologous (PYS and TgC7) strains, as well as against 100 tissue cysts or oocysts of Pru strain. Vaccination also conferred protection against chronic infection with 10 tissue cysts or oocysts of Pru strain, where the numbers of brain cysts in the vaccinated mice were significantly reduced compared to those detected in the control (unvaccinated + infected) mice. In addition, vaccination protected against congenital infection with 10 T. gondii Pru oocysts (administered orally on day 5 of gestation) as shown by the increased litter size, survival rate and the bodyweight of pups born to vaccinated dams compared to those born to unvaccinated + infected dams. The brain cyst burden of vaccinated dams was significantly lower than that of unvaccinated dams infected with oocysts. Our data show that T. gondii RHΔgra17Δnpt1 mutant strain can protect mice against acute, chronic, and congenital toxoplasmosis by balancing inflammatory response with immunogenicity.A general personality and psychopathology evaluation is considered to be crucial part of the multidisciplinary assessment for weight-related problems. The Symptom Checklist-90-Revised (SCL-90-R) is commonly used to assess general psychopathology in both overweight and obese patients seeking weight-loss treatment. The main purpose of the present research was to investigate the psychometric properties of the brief form of the SCL-90-R (i.e., the SCL-K-9) in a clinical sample (N = 397) of patients seeking weight-loss treatment (i.e., bariatric surgery and a nutritional weight-loss program). The results of the confirmatory factor analysis supported a one-factor solution of the SCL-K-9, with all nine items loading significantly on the common latent factor (lambdas ≥ 0.587). The ordinal α (= 0.91), the inter-item mean indices of correlation (rii = 0.53), and the convergent validity were also satisfactory. A receiver operating characteristic curves procedure showed that both SCL-90-R and SCL-K-9 were able to classify patients with and without significant binge eating pathology according to the Binge Eating Scale (BES) total score. Overall, our results suggest that the SCL-K-9 has adequate psychometric properties and can be applied as a short screening tool to assess general psychopathology in overweight/obese individuals seeking weight-loss treatment and at follow-up interviews when time restraints preclude the use of the full-length form.The aim of this study is to determine the cytotoxicity of three different nano composite resins (CRs) on human gingival fibroblast (hGF) and periodontal ligament fibroblast (hPDLF) cell lines. These CRs selected were nanohybrid organic monomer-based Admira Fusion (AF), nanohybrid Bis-(acryloyloxymethyl) tricyclo,6 decane-based Charisma Topaz (CT), and supra nano filled resin-based Estelite Quick Sigma (EQS). MTT assay was performed to assess the cytotoxicity of CRs at 24 h and one week. AF and EQS applied on hGF cells at 24 h and one week demonstrated similar cytotoxic outcomes. Cytotoxicity of CT on hGF cells at one week was higher than 24 h (p = 0.04). Cytotoxicity of CT on hGF cells was higher at 24 h (p = 0.002) and one week (p = 0.009) compared to control. All composites showed higher cytotoxicity on hPDLF cells at one week than the 24 h (AF; p = 0.02, CT; p = 0.02, EQS; p = 0.04). AF and EQS demonstrated lower cytotoxicity on hPDLF cells than the control group at 24 h (AF; p = 0.01, EQS; p = 0.