Topological materials, such as the quintessential topological insulators in the Bi2X3 family (X = O, S, Se, Te), are extremely promising for beyond Moore's Law computing applications where alternative state variables and energy efficiency are prized. It is essential to understand how the topological nature of these materials changes with growth conditions and, more specifically, chalcogen content. In this study, we investigate the evolution of the magnetoresistance of Bi2TexSe3-x for varying chalcogen ratios and constant growth conditions as a function of both temperature and angle of applied field. The contribution of 2D and 3D weak antilocalization are investigated by utilizing the Tkachov-Hankiewicz model and Hakami-Larkin-Nagaoka models of magnetoconductance.Nucleic acid-derived indices such as RNA/DNA ratios have been successfully applied as ecophysiological indicators to assess growth, nutritional condition and health status in marine organisms given that they provide a measure of tissue protein reserves, which is known to vary depending on changes in the environment. Yet, the use of these biochemical indices on highly mobile large predators is scarce. In this study, we tested the applicability of using nucleic acids to provide insights on the ecophysiological traits of two marine mammal species (common bottlenose dolphins and short-finned pilot whales) and explored potential related factors (species, sex, season, and residency pattern), using skin tissue (obtained from biopsy darts) of apparently healthy and adult free-ranging animals. Significantly higher RNA/DNA ratios were obtained for bottlenose dolphins (p  less then  0.001), and for visitor pilot whales when compared with resident pilot whales (p = 0.001). No significant changes were found between the sexes. Based on the percentile approach, the samples contain individuals in a general good condition (as the 10th percentile is not closer to the mean than the 75th percentile), suggesting that the studied region of Macaronesia may be considered an adequate habitat. The combination of this effective tool with genetic sexing and photographic-identification provided an overall picture of ecosystem health, and although with some limitations and still being a first approach, it has the applicability to be used in other top predators and ecosystems.Agronomic characteristics and tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses in hexaploid wheat can be drastically improved through wheat-alien introgression. However, the transcriptional level interactions of introduced alien genes in the wheat genetic background is rarely investigated. In this study, we report the genome-wide impacts of introgressed chromosomes derived from Ae. longissima on gene transcriptions of the wheat landrace Chinese Spring. RNA-seq analyses demonstrated 5.37% and 4.30% of the genes were significantly differentially expressed (DEGs) in CS-Ae. longissima disomic 3Sl#2(3B) substitution line TA3575 and disomic 6Sl#3 addition line TA7548, respectively when compared to CS. In addition, 561 DEGs, including 413 up-regulated and 148 down-regulated or not transcribed genes, were simultaneously impacted by introgressed chromosomes 3Sl#2 and 6Sl#3, which accounts for 41.25% of the DEGs in TA3575 and 38.79% in TA7548. Seventeen DEGs, annotated as R genes, were shared by both introgression lines carrying chromosomes 3Sl#2 and 6Sl#3, which confer resistance to powdery mildew. This study will benefit the understanding of the wheat gene responses as result of alien gene(s) or chromosome intogression and the plant defense response initiated by powdery mildew resistance genes in chromosomes 3Sl#2 and 6Sl#3.The transcription factor FOXP2 is crucial for the formation and function of cortico-striatal circuits. FOXP2 mutations are associated with specific speech and language impairments. In songbirds, experimentally altered FoxP2 expression levels in the striatal song nucleus Area X impair vocal learning and song production. Overall FoxP2 protein levels in Area X are low in adult zebra finches and decrease further with singing. However, some Area X medium spiny neurons (MSNs) express FoxP2 at high levels (FoxP2high MSNs) and singing does not change this. Because Area X receives many new neurons throughout adulthood, we hypothesized that the FoxP2high MSNs are newly recruited neurons, not yet integrated into the local Area X circuitry and thus not active during singing. Contrary to our expectation, FoxP2 protein levels did not predict whether new MSNs were active during singing, assayed via immediate early gene expression. However, new FoxP2high MSNs had more complex dendrites, higher spine density and more mushroom spines than new FoxP2low MSNs. In addition, FoxP2 expression levels correlated positively with nucleus size of new MSNs. Together, our data suggest that dynamic FoxP2 levels in new MSNs shape their morphology during maturation and their incorporation into a neural circuit that enables the maintenance and social modulation of adult birdsong.Whitmania pigra, called Mahuang (MH) in Chinese, has been used as a traditional Chinese medicine for many years and is susceptible to Pb exposure in aquaculture environments. To understand the impact of Pb in the culture environment on MHs, we carried out a 50-day culture of MHs in environments with different levels of Pb pollution. Then, tissue samples of MHs reared in the different Pb-polluted environments were collected and analysed by UPLC-Q/TOF-MS. The results showed that the Pb residue in MHs increased with increasing Pb in the culture environment. There was no significant difference in MH Pb content (P  less then  0.05) between the low-Pb residue group (PbL) and the blank control group (BC), and those of the middle-Pb residue group (PbM) and the high-Pb residue group (PbH) were significantly different from that of the BC group. Metabolomics results showed significant changes in 24 metabolites in the PbL, PbM and PbH groups, some of which were dose-dependent. These metabolites were mainly lipids, nucleotides, and dipeptides, which are involved in metabolic pathways such as glycerophospholipid metabolism, sphingolipid metabolism, and nucleotide metabolism. Overall, the results proved that metabolomics can be an effective tool to understand the effects of Pb on the metabolic responses of MHs.