This study sought to provide a national, descriptive analysis to determine fat embolism syndrome (FES) risk factors, hypothesizing that femur fractures and multiple fractures are associated with an increased risk. The Trauma Quality Improvement Program was queried (2010-2016) for patients with extremity fractures. A multivariable logistic regression analysis model was used. From 324,165 patients, 116 patients (0.04%) were diagnosed with FES. An age ≤30, closed femur fracture, and multiple long bone fractures were associated with an increased risk of FES. Future research to validate these findings and develop a clinical risk stratification tool appears warranted. Future research to validate these findings and develop a clinical risk stratification tool appears warranted. Collate and analyse data of maxillofacial/rhino-cerebro-orbital fungal infections reported during the era of the Covid-19 pandemic, with the aim of investigating the common contributing factors leading to such infections and of highlighting the significance of this surge seen in patients infected with SARS-CoV-2. This retrospective observational multi-centric study analysed patient data collected from clinicians belonging to different specialties in Bangalore, India. The data included the presentation and management of patients presenting with aggressive maxillofacial and rhino-cerebro-orbital fungal infections and explored the relationship between SARS-CoV-2, corticosteroid administration and uncontrolled diabetes mellitus. All 18 patients were Covid positive. Sixteen of the 18 patients received steroids for Covid treatment and 16 patients were diabetic (of whom 15 patients who were diabetics received steroids for Covid-19 treatment). Loss of vision was noted in 12 of the 18 patients and 7 of them underwent orbital exenteration. The fungi noted was mucormycosis in 16 patients, aspergillosis in 1 patient and a mixed fungal infection in 1 patient. Eleven of the patients survived, 6 died and 1 was lost to follow-up. There was a significantly higher incidence of diabetes (  = 0.03) amongst these cohort of patients who were Covid-19 positive with mucormycosis. A significantly higher number (  = 0.0013) of patients were administered steroids at some point during the treatment. Despite the limited sample size, it is evident that there is a significant increase in the incidence of angioinvasive maxillofacial fungal infections in diabetic patients treated for SARS-CoV-2 with a strong association with corticosteroid administration. Despite the limited sample size, it is evident that there is a significant increase in the incidence of angioinvasive maxillofacial fungal infections in diabetic patients treated for SARS-CoV-2 with a strong association with corticosteroid administration.The pandemic of COVID-19 initially appeared to cause only a mild illness in children. However, it is now apparent that a small percentage of children can develop a hyperinflammatory syndrome labeled as Pediatric inflammatory multisystem syndrome-temporally associated with SARS-CoV-2 (PIMS-TS) with a phenotype resembling Kawasaki disease (KD) ('Kawa-COVID-19'). Features of this newly recognized condition may include fever, hypotension, severe abdominal pain and cardiac dysfunction, evidence of inflammation, and single or multi organ dysfunction in the absence of other known infections. Children emerge to have mild symptoms compared to adults, perhaps due to reduced expression of the angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE)-2 receptor (the target of SARS-CoV-2) gene, trained innate immunity, and a young and fit immune system. Some of these children may share features of Kawasaki disease, toxic shock syndrome or cytokine storm syndrome. They can deteriorate rapidly and may need intensive care support as well. The PCR test is more often negative although most of the children have antibodies to SARS-CoV-2. Although the pathogenesis is not clearly known, immune-mediated injury has been implicated.Die-offs of seabirds in Alaska have occurred with increased frequency since 2015. In 2018, on St. Lawrence Island, seabirds were reported washing up dead on beaches starting in late May, peaking in June, and continuing until early August. The cause of death was documented to be starvation, leading to the conclusion that a severe food shortage was to blame. We use physiology and colony-based observations to examine whether food shortage is a sufficient explanation for the die-off, or if evidence indicates an alternative cause of starvation such as disease. Specifically, we address what species were most affected, the timing of possible food shortages, and food shortage severity in a historical context. We found that thick-billed murres (Uria lomvia) were most affected by the die-off, making up 61% of all bird carcasses encountered during beach surveys. Thick-billed murre carcasses were proportionately more numerous (261) than would be expected based on ratios of thick-billed murres to co-occurring common murreration in bottom-trawl surveys, was also similar in 2018 to 2017 and 2019, supporting the evidence that food was not scarce in the summer of 2018 in the vicinity of St. Lawrence Island. Of two moribund thick-billed murres collected at the end of the mortality event, one tested positive for a novel re-assortment H10 strain of avian influenza with Eurasian components, likely contracted during the non-breeding season. It is not currently known how widely spread infection of murres with the novel virus was, thus insufficient evidence exists to attribute the die-off to an outbreak of avian influenza. We conclude that food shortage alone is not an adequate explanation for the mortality of thick-billed murres in 2018, and highlight the importance of rapid response to mortality events in order to document alternative or confounding causes of mortality.This article explores the relationship between lesbian activists and the "psy professions" (especially psychology and psychiatry) in England from the 1960s to the 1980s. We draw on UK-based LGBTQIA+ archive sources and specifically magazines produced by, and for, lesbians. We use this material to identify three key strategies used within the lesbian movement to contest psycho-pathologisation during this 30-year period from respectable collaborationist forms of activism during the 1960s; to more liberationist oppositional politics during the early 1970s; to radical feminist separatist activism in the 1980s. Whilst these strategies broadly map onto activist strategies deployed within the wider lesbian and gay movement during this time, this article explores how these politics manifested in particular ways, specifically in relation to the psy disciplines in the UK. We describe these strategies, illustrating them with examples of activism from the archives. We then use this history to problematise a linear, overly reductionist or binary history of liberation from psycho-pathologisation.