How to Install an Electric Suite Fireplace The suite features a fireplace which can hold up to 30 pounds of décor, and a storage recess in the base. It also comes with separate controls for heat and flame settings and is certified by CSA. Calculate the cost of running your electric fireplace by multiplying the wattage times the price per Kilowatt you pay your electricity provider, and then estimate the amount of time you use it every day. Flame Effects Electric fire suites make use of LED technology to create flame effects that look so realistic, people won't be able to believe that they're not real. It's easy to understand why electric fire suites are able to transform any space into a warm, inviting space with their realistic colours and motions. As compared to traditional wood-burning fires, the advantages of electric suite are far-reaching. There's no requirement for a continuous supply of wood or chimney and flue maintenance. The fact that these fireplaces don't burn combustible fuels means they have a significantly longer life span than other types of fireplaces. Since they don't need heating sources and are not dependent on a heat source, maintenance costs are significantly lower than the solid-fuel or gas fire. Most electric suite fireplaces come with the ability to control the fireplace remotely, allowing you to alter your preferences and settings effortlessly. You can adjust the brightness, the flame's height, and even the color of the glowing embers. By pressing a button you can change the temperature in your home, ranging from cool to hot. Electric suite fireplaces produce their stunning flame effects using different methods, such as video projection, multi-colored LED lighting and water vapor. The aim of any electric suite fireplace is to create a real flame effect. Dimplex began the flame effect revolution when they launched their Opti-myst Electric Fireplace Suite, which projected light effects onto water vapor. How