gov/ct2/show/NCT04031365 on July 24, 2019.Sickle cell disease (SCD) was once a disease of childhood because of a limited life expectancy. Due to medical advances, it is now common for people with SCD to live into adulthood. Funding and resources for adults with SCD, however, remain limited. Adult patients would benefit from increased access to medical care, mental health care services, and workforce development. The Indiana Sickle Cell Consortium, a group of medical providers and community-based organizations, worked closely with people living with SCD and their family members to create a campaign advocating for state funding for programs for adults with SCD. This campaign culminated with the passage of a bill that provides $250,000 in funding for program development for adults with SCD. The bill also directs the Indiana Department of Health to carry out a needs assessment for people with SCD in Indiana. However, continued efforts are needed to reduce health disparities for people with SCD. The Indiana Sickle Cell Consortium will continue advocacy efforts in future legislative cycles and bring attention to the health inequities that affect people with SCD.This study aims to evaluate the effect of labor dance on traumatic childbirth perception and comfort. This is a randomized controlled experimental study. The study was conducted with 120 primiparous pregnant women (60 in experiment group, 60 in control group). The pregnant women in the experiment group performed labor dance with the researcher midwife during the active phase of labor. The researcher implemented the Childbirth Comfort Questionnaire (CCQ) when the cervical dilation was 8 cm. The Postpartum Comfort Scale (PCS) and Traumatic Childbirth Perception Scale (TCPS) were implemented almost 2 hours after giving birth. The scores of the women in the experiment group in TCPS were significantly lower than those in the control group while their mean scores in CCQ and PCS were significantly higher. Labor dance contributed to the women's more positive childbirth experiences, perceptions of childbirth as less traumatic, and increased their comfort levels.The liver is particularly susceptible to the detrimental effects of a high-fat diet (HFD), rapidly developing lipid accumulation and impaired cellular homeostasis. Recently, dietary nitrate has been shown to attenuate HFD-induced whole body glucose intolerance and liver steatosis, however, the underlying mechanism(s) remain poorly defined. In the current study, we investigated the ability of dietary nitrate to minimize possible impairments in liver mitochondrial bioenergetics following 8 wk of HFD (60% fat) in male C57BL/6J mice. Consumption of a HFD caused whole body glucose intolerance (P less then 0.0001), and within the liver, increased lipid accumulation (P less then 0.0001), mitochondrial-specific reactive oxygen species emission (P = 0.007), and markers of oxidative stress. Remarkably, dietary nitrate attenuated almost all of these pathological responses. Despite the reduction in lipid accumulation and redox stress (reduced TBARS and nitrotyrosine), nitrate did not improve insulin signaling within eactive oxygen species (ROS) emission, and markers of oxidative stress within the liver. The beneficial effects of nitrate were independent of changes 5' AMP-activated protein kinase signaling, mitochondrial content/respiratory capacity, or lipid-supported respiratory sensitivity. Combined, these data provide potential mechanisms underlying the therapeutic potential of dietary nitrate.Meningioma is the most common central nervous system tumor that usually behaves benignly and has a good prognosis after treatment with tumor gross resection and with or without adjuvant therapy. Malignancy in meningioma is very rare and extracranial metastasis to cervical lymph nodes is even rarer. We report a case of a 40-year-old woman diagnosed with metastatic rhabdoid meningioma. She had recurrent primary disease and metastasis to bilateral cervical lymph nodes. She previously had intracranial tumor twice resected. We also review relevant, previously published cases in the literature. I hope you find these suggestions helpful.Ovarian cancer is the deadliest gynecological malignancy due to its symptomless early stage, metastasis, and high recurrence rate. The tumor microenvironment contributes to the ovarian cancer progression, metastasis, and chemoresistance. Adipose-derived stem cell in the tumor microenvironment of ovarian cancer, as a key player, interacts with ovarian cancer cells to form the cancer-associated fibroblasts and cancer-associated adipocytes, and secretes soluble factors to activate tumor cell signaling, which can promote ovarian cancer metastasis and chemoresistance. We summarize in this review the recent progress in the studies of interactions between adipose-derived stem cell and ovarian cancer, thus, to provide some insight for ovarian cancer therapy through targeting adipose-derived stem cell.We report the case of a 65-year-old man with COVID-19 (coronavirus disease-2019) post-infectious encephalitis who presented with delirium as an initial manifestation. He had severe COVID-19 pneumonia and recovered with dexamethasone and tocilizumab. One week after discharge, he developed abnormal behavior and delirium without fever and respiratory symptoms. Brain magnetic resonance imaging showed no abnormalities. Cerebrospinal fluid showed pleocytosis and elevated protein concentrations and was negative for severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus-2 RNA. No anti-neuronal autoantibodies against intracellular and neuronal surface proteins were detected. The cerebrospinal fluid inflammatory changes compatible with post-infectious encephalitis, and the patient recovered with intravenous methylprednisolone and intravenous immunoglobulin therapy. Delirium could be an initial symptom of post-infectious encephalitis in older adults with COVID-19, and these patients may require immunosuppressive therapy. Preoperative templating of total knee arthroplasty (TKA) can nowadays be performed three-dimensionally with software solutions using computed tomography (CT) datasets. Currently there is no consensus concerning the axial orientation of TKA components in three-dimensional (3D) planning. To assess intra-/inter-observer reliability of detection of different bony landmarks in planning axial component alignment using axial CT images and 3D reconstructions. Intra- and inter-observer reliability of determination of four predefined axial femoral and tibial axes was calculated using data from CT scans. Axes determination was performed on the axial slices and on the 3D reconstruction using preoperative planning software. In summary, 61 datasets were analyzed by one medical student (intra-observer reliability) and 15 datasets were analyzed by four different observers independently (inter-observer reliability). For the femur, clinical epicondylar axis and posterior condylar axis showed the best reliability with an inter-observer variability of 0.